

BDS VIVA Questions - CNS, MSK and Special Senses - Annual Exam 2017

BDS Annual Examination 2017
VIVA Questions
CNS, MSK & Special Senses

a.     Name the type of fibres present in corpus callosum.          (2)
b.    What is Bell’s Palsy? Mention its clinical features.               (2)
c.     What is pterion? Mention its clinical significance.                (2)
d.    What are the structures found in internal acoustic meatus?            (2)
e.    What are intrinsic muscles of eye?                                 (2)

a.     Explain clinical biochemistry of Parkinsonism.          (2)
b.    How is GABA synthesized in brain?                   (2)
c.     Explain the role of vitamin D in blood calcium level.                        (2)
d.    What is the change in protein in CSF of person with viral meningitis?   (2)
e.    Which enzyme is associated with activation of vit D and mention its site.(2)

Pathology:                            (2*5=10)
a.     Mention any two pyogenic bacteria causing Osteomyelitis.
b.    Define Pannus and where it is found?
c.     Mention the stages of fracture healing.
d.    Mention any four osteogenic tumor.
e.    What is Osteomalacia?

a.     Mention any two organisms causing meningitis.                    (4)
                                                    i.     Pyogenic bacteria
                                                  ii.     virus
b.    Mention Prophylaxis of tetanus for neonates.                      (1)
c.     Explain the microscopic morphology of Clostridium tetani.            (1)
d.    Name any four anaerobic bacteria with their gram morphology.               (2)
e.    Name any two types of toxin of Clostridium perfringes.     (2)

    Pharmacology:                                (2*5=10)
a.     How phenobarbitone treats jaundice?
b.    Mention any two use of Morphine. Mention any two antagonizing agent of morphine.
c.     Name any two miotic drug agent.
d.    Mention any two uses of carbamazepine.(other than anti convulsant).
e.    Name the drug causing Malignant Hyperthermia.

a.     What is Broca’s area?
b.    What are the types and function of corticospinal tract?
c.     What is triad?
d.    What is the role of T- tubule in muscle contraction?
e.    Define EPSP. Name any two neurotransmitter generating EPSP.