MCQs on Microbiology - Virology Part 1

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# HIV is transmitted by all of the following routes except: (AP-14, MAN-2002)
a) Saliva
b) Needle prick injury
c) Blood transmission
d) Sexual intercourse

# A rise in the anti-HBc immunoglobulin in a patient indicates: (MAN-2000)
a) Acute infection
b) Carrier state
c) Prodromal phase
d) Convalescence

# All of the following infections may be transmitted by dental instruments except: (MAN-2000)
a) HIV
b) Hepatitis C
c) Hepatitis B
d) Hepatitis E

# HIV infection is known to be transmitted during all of the following EXCEPT: (MAN-95)
a) breast feeding
b) child birth
c) heterosexual intercourse
d) kissing

# The culture media used for cultivation of HSV is: (MAN-99)
a) Chocolate agar
b) Robertson's cooked-meat broth
c) Chorio allantoic membrane
d) Sabourad's agar 

# Cytopathic effect is shown by: (AIIMS-96)
a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Spirochete
d) Anaerobe

# Half-life of free HIV in plasma is: (KAR-2002)
a) 24 hours
b) 6 hours
c) 12 hours
d) 3 months

#  Which of the following would you consider to be general properties of viruses? (KAR-2001)
a) New virus particle arises directly (by division) from pre-existing viruses
b) Fall in to the general size range of 200-3000 angstrom unit
c) Contain equal proportions of protein, lipopolysaccharide and nucleic acids
d) Contain DNA but no RNA

# Antibody to HSV will begin to appear: (KAR-99)
a) in a week and reach a peak in 3 weeks
b) only after one year
c) no antibodies are present in primary HSV
d) antibodies are present in recurrent and chronic apthous stomatitis

# Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS is: (KAR-2003)
a) Cryptococcosis
b) Tuberculosis
c) Candidiasis
d) Aspergillosis

# Australia antigen is associated with: (AIPG-96)
a) Hepatitis B surface antigen in acute hepatitis
c) Chronic leukemia
d) Basal cell carcinoma

 # Viruses can be cultured in all except: (AIPG-93)
a) Chick embryo
b) Blood agar
c) Guinea pigs
d) Cell culture

# Confirmatory test for HIV infection is a: (KAR-2002)
b) Immunodot
d) Western Blot

# Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion, disease manifests in: (AIIMS-2001)
a) 1 week
b) 6 weeks
c) 3 months
d) 6 months

# Bacteriophage was discovered by: (KAR-98)
a) Robert Koch
b) Twort and d'herelle
c) Menkin
d) Metchinkoff

# The "window period" in HIV infection means: (PGI-2001)
a) The time lapse between the infection and detection of viral antibodies
b) The time lapse between the infection and development of AIDS
c) The time lapse between obtaining the sample and detection of virus in the tab
d) None of the above

# Portal of entry of poliovirus is mainly:
a) Gastrointestinal tract
b) Lung
c) Nasal mucosa
d) Skin

 #  Virion is defined as:
a) Extracellular infectious virus particle
b) A Smallest particle similar to virus
c) Smallest virus
d) None of the above

# Plaque test is used routinely in virology lab's for
a) Identification of viral disease
b) To prepare vaccines
c) To separate specific clone of virus
d) To maintain certain viral culture

# Hepatitis B infection spreads through all of the following routes except: (KAR-04)
a) Blood transfusion
b) Perinatal transmission
c) Faeco oral route
d) Sexual contact

# The virus HIV is produced and propagated in: (AIIMS-99)
a) Dendritic cells of the lymph node germinal epithelium
b) Circulating T4 lymphocytes
c) Epithelial cells of the sex organs
d) B- lymphocytes

# DNA covering material in a virus is called as:
a) Capsid
b) Nucleocapsid
c) Envelope
d) Capsomere

# Influenza is caused by(AP-98)
a) Orthomyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
b) Paramyxo virus, which is a RNA Virus
c) Orthomyxo virus, which is a RNA virus
d) Paramyxo virus, which is a DNA Virus

# True about immune response of hepatitis B is: (TNPSC-99)
a) Antibody to HBC is not protective
b) Highest titres of anti HBC are found in persistent carriers of HBs Ag
c) Antibody of HBs Ag is associated with resistance to infection
d) CMI disappears soon after recover.

# The following hepatitis virus is transmitted by faeco-oral route: (KAR-98)
a) Hepatitis C Virus
b) Hepatitis E Virus
c) Hepatitis B Virus
d) Hepatitis D Virus

 # The time gap between the appearance of Koplik's spot and cutaneous rash in measles is: (KAR- 2004)
a) 10 days
b) 2 weeks
c) 3-4 days
d) 24 hrs

# Viruses can be isolated from clinical samples by cultivation in the following except: (AIPG-05)
a) Embryonated eggs
b) Animals
c) Tissue culture
d) Chemically defined media

# True about prions: (TNPSC-99)
a) Viruses which are genetically deficient
b) Viral components may be synthesized but maturation & assembling is defective
c) Phase in which virus cannot be demonstrated in host cell
d) Composed of largely proteins without any nucleic acid

# Which of the following methods is adopted for screening HIV infection? (TNPSC-99)
a) ELISA followed by western blot technique
b) Polymers chain reaction
c) Western blot followed by ELISA
d) Virus isolation

# Both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses: (KAR-2003)
a) HIV
b) Hepatitis B virus
c) Measles virus
d) Pox Virus

# All are oncogenic except
a) Papilloma virus
b) Varicella zoster virus
c) EB virus
d) Herpes simplex virus

# Virus are sharply differentiated from bacteria by: (KAR-2000)
a) Complex multiplication
b) Simple structure
c) Presence of either DNA or RNA
d) All

# Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affects: (KAR-1998)
a) Red blood cells
b) Helper T lymphocytes (CD )
c) Fibroblasts
d) Mast cells

# Herpes virus: (APPSC-99)
a) Acquires its envelope from nucleolar membrane
b) None of them
c) Acquires its envelope fro c) Reo virus m nuclear membrane
d) Acquires its envelope from cytoplasmic membrane

# The only virus, which has double stranded RNA, is -
a) Calci virus
b) Bunya virus
c) Reo virus
d) Rhabdo virus 

# Dengue fever vector is a : (AIPG-2001)
a) Culex
b) Anopheles
c) Aedes
d) Mansoni 

# One virus particle prevents multiplication of 2nd virus. This phenomena is -
a) Viral interference
b) Permutation
c) Mutation
d) Supervision

 # The overall effect of HIV is to gradually impair the immune system by interference with: (KAR-04)
a) Macrophages
b) Plasma cells
c) Natural killer cells
d) Helper T Lymphocytes

# Which does not have a viral etiology?
a) Carcinoma Cervix
b) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
c) Hepatoma
d) Lymphoma

# Certain viruses have been isolated in crystalline form and have been found to be: (APPSC-99)
a) Nucleoproteins
b) Scleroproteins
c) Phospholipids
d) Nucleotides

 # Incubation period of herpes zoster is: (AIPG-2012)
a) 1 month
b) 1-2 years
c) 3-6 months
d) 7-14 days

 # Which of the following correctly indicates the infectivity of hepatitis virus in human? (PGI-06, AIIMS NOV-14)
a) Anti-HBC
b) HBeAg
c) Anti-HBS
d) HBCAg

#  In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started: (AP-2004)
a) Influenza
b) Poliomyelitis
c) Herpes
d) Rabies

# Australian antigen is: (KAR-97)
a) HBV
b) HBs AG
c) HB Ag
d) None of the above

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