

Koplik's Spots are seen in

# "Koplik's spots" are associated with:
A. Smallpox (Variola)
B. German measles (Rubella)
C. Mumps
D. (Rubeola)

The correct answer is. D. Measles (Rubeola)

Before immunization, measles was very common during childhood so that 90% of the population had been infected by age 20.

Measles (also called Rubeola) is a highly contagious viral illness characterized by a fever, cough, and a spreading rash. It is caused by a paramyxovirus. The incubation period is 1 to 2 weeks before symptoms generally appear. The oral lesions are pathognomonic of this disease. These characteristic "Koplik's spots" usually occur on the buccal mucosa. They are 1-2 mm, yellow-white necrotic ulcers that are surrounded by a bright red margin.

Rubella (or German measles) is a fairly benign viral disease. The symptoms usually include
a red, bumpy rash, swollen lymph nodes (most often around the ears and neck), and a mild fever. Some people will feel a little achy. The virus can manifest in the oral cavity as small petechiae-like spots of the soft palate. The defects of congenital infection from an infected mother are more severe -enamel defects, hypoplasia, pitting, and abnormal tooth morphology.

Smallpox (Variola) is an acute viral disease, it manifests itself clinically by the occurrence of a high fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, and headache. The skin lesions begin as small macules and papules which first appear on the face, but rapidly spread to cover much of the body. Oral manifestations include ulceration of the oral mucosa and pharynx. In some cases, the tongue is swollen and painful, making swallowing difficult.

Mumps is an acute contagious viral infection characterized chiefly by unilateral or bilateral swelling of the salivary glands, usually the parotid (parotitis). Although it is usually a disease of childhood, mumps may also affect adults. The papilla of the opening of the parotid duct on the buccal mucosa is often puffy and reddened.

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