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#MCQ 10 - In Orthodontics, Porcelain brackets have better esthetics as compared to stainless steel brackets. However, a major disadvantage is:
#MCQ 10 - In Orthodontics, Porcelain brackets have better esthetics as compared to stainless steel brackets. However, a major disadvantage i...
#MCQ 9 - Treatment of Ludwig's Angina due to pericoronitis with respect to lower third molar?
#MCQ 9 - Treatment of Ludwig's Angina due to pericoronitis with respect to lower third molar : A. Incision and Drainage, antibiotics an...
#MCQ 8 - A dental surgeon has recovered from Hepatitis B after a three months rest. His Laboratory Findings are Normal but he is not allowed to attend to the patients as per the medical board because he is:
#MCQ 8 - A dental surgeon has recovered from Hepatitis B after a three months rest. His Laboratory Findings are Normal but he is not allowed...
How to get rid of Toothache ?
Toothache is a lifetime experience for someone who has experienced the pain of acute pulpitis. Be it sharp, acute, transient pain for second...
# MCQ 7 - Which of the following tests for tooth vitality assessment has the highest diagnostic accuracy?
# MCQ 7 # Which of the following tests for tooth vitality assessment has the highest diagnostic accuracy? A. Electric Pulp Test B. Heat T...
# MCQ 6 - Maximum use of Computers in the field of Dentistry is in the field of:
# Maximum use of Computers in the field of Dentistry is in the field of: A. Periodontology B. Prosthodontics C. Community Dentistry D. O...
#MCQ 5 - First Water Fluoridation was done in:
# First Water Fluoridation was done in: A. Sweden B. Canada C. Michigan (USA) D. California Answer: C. Michigan (USA) To test the ...
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