

Nepal National Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics in 2016 - Activities Report

Nepal National Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics in 2016

Workshop for Bioethics inclusion in medical curriculum and Establishment of ‘BPKIHS Students’ Wing Bioethics’:

A Workshop of Academic leaders of Medical Institutes of Nepal was organized by the Unit for the inclusion of Bioethics in UG and PG medical curriculum on May 30, 2016 in BPKIHS. The BPKIHS Students’ wing of Nepal National Bioethics Unit of UNESCO Chair was also inaugurated by Chief Guest and dignitaries on the dias by lighting the auspicious lamp. Nepal Unit Head Prof. Rupa R Singh delivered welcome speech, Chief Guest and Rector, BPKIHS Prof. Bikram P. Shrestha extended his best wishes, medical ethics expert Prof. Ramesh Kant Adhikari and International faculty Prof. Mingma L. Sherpa highlighted the importance of the workshop and Member Secretary Dr. Dhana Ratna Shakya put vote of thanks on the occasion. Head of the newly established Students’ wing David Thapa expressed happiness about the occasion and hope for necessary support from all related sides.

BPKIHS BDS Annual OSPE Examination 2017 - Anatomy - CNS MSK

BDS Annual  OSPE Examination 2017

The number in the brackets indicate the full marks.

1. Key:  Sternocleidomastoid muscle

What is the flagged muscle? (2)
Mention the actions and nerve supply of this muscle. (4)
Mention the structures present below the hyoglossus muscle. (4)

2. Key: Hypoglossal nerve
a. What is the tied nerve? (2)
b. What are its functional component? (2)
c. Draw a well-labeled diagram of Ansa Cervicalis. (6)

Rules for the Competition - "World Bioethics Day 2017 : Equality, Justice and Equity " - Photography, Poster and Video Competition

Nepal Unit of  International Network of  UNESCO chair in Bioethics invites participation of all interested health sciences students of Nepal in the following competitions organized on the occasion of world Bioethics Day 2017.

Theme of  World Bioethics Day 2017 : 'Equality, Justice and Equity'

MCQs on Tongue Disorders - Oral Pathology

# A blue nodular mass on the lateral border of the tongue is soft, smooth and blanches upon pressure. It is most likely to be:
A. Lymphoma
B. Hemangioma
C. Epulis Fissuratum
D. Epithelioma

# Leutic glossitis can occur in connection with:
A. Vitamin B deficiency
B. Vitamin C deficiency
C. Iron deficiency
D. Syphilis

MCQs on Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases

# Delayed eruption of at least part of the dentition is a recognized feature of all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Rickets
B. Congenital Hyperthyroidism
C. Cleidocranial Dysplasia
D. Cherubism

# A five year old child presents with chronic bed wetting and bilateral loose deciduous first molars. His mother says that he wants to drink water several times during each night. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Hand-Schuller-Christian Disease
B. Marble bone Disease
C. Niemann Pick Disease
D. Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia

Oral Pathology MCQs - Viral Infections

# The feature that distinguishes Herpes Zoster from other Vesiculobullous eruptions is :
A. Unilateral occurence
B. Severe burning pain
C. Prominent crusting vesicles
D. Subepidermal bullous formation

# A 3 year old child has a fever of 102 degrees F ; and following upper respiratory tract infection discrete vesicles and ulcers on the soft palate and pharynx are noted. The most probable diagnosis is :
A. Herpangina
B. Scarlet fever
D. Herpetic gingivostomatitis

# Intra nuclear inclusions detected during the course of Herpes simplex virus infection are called:
A. Bacteriophages
B. Lipschutz bodies
C. Negri bodies
D. Donovan bodies

# Coxsackie virus causes:
A. Infectious mononucleosis
B. Lymphoma
C. Herpangina
D. Herpes

# Koplik spots :
A. first manifestation of measles
B. rarely seen in measles
C. are seen 2-3 days after cutaneous rashes
D. is first manifestation but seldom seen

# Recurrent ulcers occuring on gingiva and palate are most probably:
A. Aphthous ulcers
B. Herpes simplex
C. Koplik spots
D. Lesions of Behcet's syndrome

# Which of the following is associated with HIV infection ?
A. Hairy Leukoplakia
B. Erythroplakia
C. Oral Lichen Planus
D. Bullous Pemphigoid

# Primary herpetic lesions involving the gingiva are most likely to occur during ages:
A. 1-5 years
B. 6-12 years
C. 13-16 years
D. They are likely to occur at any ages

# Inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion and vesicular eruption of the skin and mucous membrane in area supplied by a sensory nerve that is affected is characteristic of :
A. Herpes Zoster
B. Herpes Simplex
C. Uveoparotid fever
D. Aphthous stomatitis

# Mumps is caused by :
A. Orthomyxo virus
B. Paramyxo virus
C. Rheno virus
D. EB virus

# The reason why most patients suffering from recurrent Herpes labialis rarely give a history of having acute form of the Herpetic gingivostomatitis is because:
A. Etiological agents differ
B. The acute form occurs only in severely immunocompromised individuals
C. The primary infection was subclinical
D. The patient has received antibodies during intrauterine life and the antibodies have persisted

# In Herpes, primary lesion is:
A. Ulcer
B. Papule
C. vesicle
D. Bullae

# Which of the following medications shortens the recovery period of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis?
A. Acyclovir
B. Zidovudine
C. Kenalog in Orabase
D. All of the above

# The cranial nerve involved in Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is :
A. Trigeminal
B. Facial
C. Glossopharyngeal
D. Occulomotor

# All about Herpangina are false EXCEPT:
A. May lead to high grade fever
B. May cause dysphagia
C. May lead to vesicles formation in anterior part of mouth around 20-30 in number
D. Anterior portion of mouthhave only minor vesicles

# Herpetiformis vesicles, which rupture and leave areas of superficial intraoral ulcers are caused by:
A. Varicella Zoster Virus
B. Herpes Zoster Virus
C. Coxsackie Virus
D. None of the above

Seven Reasons Why You Should Marry A Dentist

For all those people who are never tired of making dentist jokes and laughing at them, they really need to know these seven reasons why they should marry a dentist. And dentists, well, they can pat on their backs for being such a desirable match. Here are the seven out of the hundreds of reasons to marry a dentist.

1. You'll never have to worry about your teeth and your lovely smile

MNEMONICS : Classification of Odontogenic Cysts

Mnemonics: Classification of Odontogenic Cysts by Etiology

Developmental Cysts :
- Odontogenic Keratocyst
- Glandular Odontogenic Cyst
- Gingival cyst of Newborn
- Gingival cyst of Adult
- Eruption Cyst
- Lateral periodontal cyst
- Calcifying odontogenic cyst
- Dentigerous cyst
 @  Doc, Is it  OK if a Glandular Gingival Eruption Later Calcified into Teeth ?

Mnemonics : Glycogen Storage Diseases

The six glycogen storage diseases and their respective deficient enzymes are :

Type I - Von Gierke - Glycogen -6 - Phosphate
Type II - Pompe - Lysosomal alpha 1,4 glycosidase
Type III - Cori - Debranching Enzyme
Type IV - Andersen - Branching Enzyme
Type V - McArdle - Muscle Glycogen Phosphorylase
Type VI - Hers - Hepatic Glycogen Phosphorylase

Forensic Medicine MCQs - Identification

# A boy has 20 permanent teeth and 8 temporary teeth. His age is likely to be :
A. 9 years
B. 10 years
C. 11 years
D. 12 years

# Karyotyping of foetus can be done from all of the folowing EXCEPT :
A. Lymphocyte
B. Monocyte
C. Amniocyte
D. Fibroblast

Common Problems in Dental Film Processing and Development

Problem Causes
Light Radiographs (i) Processing errors

  •  Under development (temperature too low, time too short) 
  •  Depleted developer solution 
  •  Excessive fixation 
ii)  Under Exposure

  •  Insufficient milliamperaqe 
  •  Insufficient kVp 
  •  Insufficient time 
  •  Film source distance too great 
  •  Film packet reversed in mouth 
Dark Radiographs i) Processing errors

  • Over development (temperature too high, time too long) 
  • Accidental exposure to light 
  • Improper safe lighting 
  • Developer concentration too high 
ii) Over exposure 

  • Excessive milliamperage 
  •  Excessive kVp 
  •  Excessive time 
  •  Film source distance too short 
Insufficient Contrast
  • Under development 
  • Under exposure 
  • Excessive kVp 
  • Excessive film fog 
Film Fog
  • Improper safe lighting 
  • Light leaks 
  • Over development 
  • Contaminated solutions 
  • Deteriorated film

Differential Diagnosis in Dentistry Part 2

24 . Centrifugal growth pattern of bone growth is seen in:

  • Central Ossifying Fibroma
  • Central Cementifying Fibroma
  • Central Cemento-ossifying Fibroma

General Medicine and Allied Subjects - Annual Exam BDS 3rd year - 9th August 2017 BPKIHS

Group 'A'

General Medicine
1. List any four differences between bleeding disorders and clotting disorders. List any four causes of thrombocytopenia.  (4+1)

2. Write about the management of a newly diagnosed sputum culture positive case of Tuberculosis. (5)

Differential Diagnosis in Dentistry Part 1

1 . Intra-epithelial bulla are seen in:

  • Herpes Simplex
  • Herpes Zoster
  • Chicken Pox
  • Pemphigus
  • Familial Benign Pemphigus (Hailey - Hailey Disease )
  • Epidermolysis bullosa - dystrophic recessive form
  • Oral lesions of Erythema Multiforme

Uses of Corticosteroids and Contraindications of Corticosteroids


Corticosteroids are broadly divided into Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids such as cortisol affect carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism, and have anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-proliferative, and vasoconstrictive effects. Anti-inflammatory effects are mediated by blocking the action of inflammatory mediators (transrepression) and inducing anti-inflammatory mediators (transactivation).

Six Reasons Why You Should Do MDS After BDS

Well, the greatest dilemma freshly graduated Dental Surgeons face in their life that whether they should do MDS after BDS or not. They are disinclined to join MDS after completing BDS because all their vigor and enthusiasm is already exhausted by the rigorous five and a half year course of BDS. On the top of that, the seats in MDS are too few that it necessitates an excruciatingly painful toil to get through the competitive entrance exams and secure a seat.