

MCQs on Oral Histology - Dentin Part 5

# During the formation of primary teeth:
A. Enamel forms more cervically than dentin
B. Enamel forms faster than dentin
C. Dentin forms faster than enamel
D. Processes of their cells remain in content with each other

# Matrix vesicles :
A. Are found in mantle dentin
B. Contain collagen
C. Produce alkaline phosphatase
D. Inhibit mineralization

# Transmission of stimulus across dentin is:
A. Direct activation of nerve endings
B. Correlated with the innervation density of the dentin
C. Stimulus induced fluid flow
D. There is no transmission of stimulus across dentin

# During hydrodynamic theory movement of fluids in dentinal tubules cause:
A. Movement of odontoblasts
B. Touch the nerves of the pulp to cause pain
C. Minimum effect on odontoblast
D. Stimulation of odontoblastic process

# Which of the areas of the tooth is most sensitive during cavity preparation :
A. Enamel (anterior teeth)
B. Enamel (posterior teeth)
C. Dentin
D. Dentinoenamel junction

# Matrix vesicles play important role in the mineralization of :
A. Dentin
B. Enamel
C. Pulp
D. Periodontal ligament

# False statement regarding interglobular dentin is :
A. The term interglobular dentin refers to organic matrix that remains unmineralized because the mineralising globules fail to coalesce
B. This occurs most often in the circumpulpal dentin just below the mantle dentin
C. Where the pattern of mineralization is likely to be appositional than globular
D. Large areas of interglobular dentin is a characteristic feature of childhood hypophosphatasia

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