

MCQs in Microbiology - Bacteriology Part 2

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# Malignant pustule is referred to: (KAR-2003, AIIMS-2K)
a) Facio-cervical actinomycosis
b) Cutaneous anthrax
c) Infected squamous cell carcinoma
d) None of the above

# One of the following is a zoonotic disease: (KAR-2001)
a) Anthrax
b) Typhoid
c) Bacillary dysentery
d) Cholera

# Causative agents of "Vincent's angina": (KAR-98, 2001)
a) Borrelia vincenti and Fusobacterium fusiformis
b) Borrelia recurrents and Bacteroides
c) Borrelia burgoloferi and Lactobacillus
d) Leptospira and Treponema pallidum

# Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to: (AIIMS-2001)
a) Pleomorphism
b) Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin
c) Penicillin analogue production
d) Lack of nucleic acid in the cell wall

# Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the pharynx may be followed in some by: (KAR-2002)
a) Diphtheria
b) Typhoid fever
c) Rheumatic fever
d) Syphilis 

# Common inhabitant of throat and tonsils is: (AP-2001)
a) Alpha hemolytic streptococci (S. viridans)
b) Staphylococci
c) Beta hemolytic streptococci
d) Pneumococci 

# Diphtheria is pathogenic only when infected with: (KAR-2001)
a) Beta phage
b) Alfa phage
c) Lambda k12
d) Delta phage

# The facultative anaerobic bacteria are those who are: (KAR-97)
a) Unable to grow in the presence of oxygen.
b) Unable to grow in the absence of oxygen.
c) Able to grow in the presence of carbon dioxide.
d) Able to grow in the presence or absence of oxygen

# The most common site, where organisms are present in a typhoid carrier is: (KAR-2001)
a) Spleen
b) Gall Bladder
c) Liver
d) Salivary gland

# Actinomycosis is caused by: (KAR-2002)
a) Fungus
b) Acid fast, non-motile bacillus
c) Anaerobic, gram positive, non-acid fast bacteria.
d) Retrovirus 

# Gram -ve bacteria stain during gram staining: (AP-2000)
a) Blue color
b) Red color
c) Green
d) Colorless

# The special stain used for treponema pallidum is: (AP-2000, 2003)
a) Giemsa staining
b) Gram staining
c) Fontanna silver
d) Ziel Neelson

# Silver impregnation method of staining is useful to demonstrate: (KAR-98)
a) Bacterial flagella
b) Spirochetes
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

# Staphylococcal bacteria are: (PGI-2000)
a) Gram negative
b) Tend to form chains
c) Found in grape like clusters
d) Associated with dental caries

# The temperature required for cultivating mycobacterium: (AP-98)
a) - 2 degrees
b) 0 degrees
c) 27 degrees
d) 37 degrees

# Nagglers reaction is used in the diagnosis of: (KAR-2001)
a) Malaria
b) Whooping cough
c) Gas gangrene
d) Wool sorters disease

# Salmonella typhi can be isolated at different times from: (KAR-97)
a) Feaces
b) Blood
c) Urine
d) All the above

# Loss of capsule in bacteria is generally associated with: (KAR-2001)
a) Decrease in virulence
b) Loss of infectivity
c) Inability to spread through tissue
d) Increase in invasiveness

# Which of the following characteristics of bacteria is not true? (TNPSC-99)
a) Unicellular
b) Free living
c) Having either DNA or RNA
d) Cell wall containing muramic acid

# Which of the following structures, found external to the bacterial cell wall, are involved in bacterial attachment to cell surfaces? (COMEDK-04)
a) Capsule
b) Flagella
c) Pili
d) Mesosomes

# The single most important laboratory test for determining the virulence of staphylococci is: (COMEDK-04)
a) Mannitol fermentation
b) Hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes
c) Detection of coagulase
d) The catalase test

# Which of the following have the capability to produce extra cellular polysaccharides? (PGI-1997)
a) Strep. mutans
b) Strep. pyogenes
c) Peptostreptococcus
d) Enterococcus

# Neurotoxin of tetanus acts on: (PGI-98)
a) Synapse
b) Muscle
c) Brain
d) Spinal Cord

# Tuberculin test screens for: (COMEDK-04)
a) Humoral immunity
b) Cell mediated immunity
c) Complement function
d) Phagocyte dysfunction

# Organism most frequently associated with urinary tract infections is: (APPSC - 1999)
a) Neisseria gonorrhea
b) Escherichia coli
c) T-strain mycoplasma
d) Streptococcus fecalis

# Granules in the Corynebacterium diphtheria are called by following names, except: (TNPSC-1999)
a) Metachromatic granules
b) Retractile granules
c) Babes Ernst granules
d) Volutin granules

# Growth factor needed for Salmonella: (KAR-1998)
a) Tryptophan
b) Niacin
c) B-12
d) Citrate

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