

MCQs on Oral Histology - Salivary Glands Part 2

# Myoepithelial cells are present in:
A. Striated duct
B. Intercalated duct and terminal duct
C. Serous cells
D. Mucous cells

# Carmalt's glands are:
A. Major salivary glands
B. Minor salivary glands(Retromolar)
C. Minor salivary glands (lingual)
D. Taste buds

# On passing from acini to ductal orifices after ductal modifications, saliva becomes _________ as compared to plasma.
A. Hypertonic sometimes
B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic
D. Hypertonic always

# Tuft cells are receptors seen on:
A. Cell rich zone
B. Lining of maxillary sinus
C. Salivary duct
D. TMJ capsule

# The parotid gland opens:
A. on the floor of the mouth
B. at the side of the lingual frenum
C. at the caruncula
D. on the buccal mucosa opposite the maxillary second molar

# Which of the following is purely serous in nature?
A. parotid and Von ebner's glands
B. Palatine glands only
C. Glossopalatine glands
D. Lingual glands

# The total volume of saliva secreted daily is :
A. 750 ml
B. 1.5 liters
C. 2 liters
D. 3 liters

# Largest amount of saliva is produced by :
A. Submandibular glands
B. Sublingual Glands
C. Parotid glands
D. Von ebner Glands

# The immunoglobulin present in saliva is:
A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgE

# Salivary glands are not found in:
A. Anterior part of the hard palate
B. Posterior part of the hard palate
C. In mandible posterior to the 3rd molar
D. Nasopalatine canal

# Which of the following is purely mucous?
A. Palatine glands
B. Glossopalatine glands
C. Posterior lingual mucous glands
D. All of the above

# The minor salivary glands begin their development in fetal life during :
A. 1st month
B. 2nd month
C. 3rd month
D. 4th month

# Salivary flow is reduced in:
A. Sjogren's syndrome
B. Xerostomia
C. Inflammation of glands
D. All of the above

# The severance of duct of minor salivary glands and pooling of saliva in the tissues is called as:
A. Ranula
B. Congenital Epulis
C. Mucocele
D. Sialadenitis

# The pH of whole saliva is :
A. 1.2 - 2.4
B. 3.0 - 5.6
C. 6.7 - 7.4
D. 7.0 - 8.2