

MCQs on Pontics and Finish Lines - Fixed Partial Dentures

# Egg shaped pontic is indicated for the replacement of:
A. Mandibular posteriors
B. Mandibular anteriors
C. Maxillary posteriors
D. Maxillary anteriors

# A pontic as compared to a missing posterior tooth should be:
A. same dimensions as that of natural teeth
B. same dimensions mesiodistally but less faciolingually
C. same dimensions faciolingually but less mesiodistally
D. larger than natural tooth, to exert same forces on mastication

# Which of the following will primarily determine the faciolingual dimension of the occlusal portion of a hygienic pontic?
A. The length of the pontic
B. The masticatory force of the patient
C. The position of the opposing contact areas
D. The width and crestal position of the edentulous ridge

# Most appropriate pontic design is:
A. it should fill the missing teeth area
B. greater lingual embrasure
C. should contact mucosa but should not irritate it
D. none of the above

# A fixed bridge with pontics rigidly fixed to the retainers provides:
A. strength to the abutments
B. reduction of stress associated with restoration
C. Aesthetics to the fixed bridge
D. reciprocation of forces acting on the pontic

# In the mandibular posterior region, which of the following design is indicated for the pontic in the fixed bridge?
A. Spheroidal
B. Modified ridge lap
C. Ridge lap
D. Conical

# Ridge lap design of pontic is indicated for the replacement of a:
A. Maxillary first molar
B. Maxillary central incisor
C. Mandibular first molar
D. Mandibular second premolar

# Rough, poorly polished areas of pontics may cause:
A. Halitosis
B. Discomfort
C. Chronic inflammation of the ridge tissue
D. All of the above

# Pontic should be:
A. Convex buccolingually
B. Convex mesiodistally
C. Convex buccolingually and concave mesiodistally
D. concave mesiodistally

# The pontic design of choice in the appearance zone of maxillary and mandibular bridge:
A. Hygienic
B. Modified ridge lap
C. Saddle
D. Conical

# Which of the following is not indicated for maxillary anterior pontic?
A. Ridge lap
B. Modified ridge lap
C. Hygienic
D. Ovate

# Most suitable pontic:
A. should have passive contact with ridge and no blanching of tissue
B. should contact with some blanching of the tissue
C. ridge area scrapped in cast and pontic in gold alloy
D. ridge area scrapped in cast and pontic in porcelain

# Undersurface of pontic should be:
A. Concave mesiodistally and convex buccolingually
B. Convex mesiodistally and concave buccolingually
C. Convex in all directions
D. Concave in all directions

# In the posterior maxilla, the pontic of choice is:
A. Sanitary
B. Point contact
C. Bullet shaped
D. Modified ridge lap

# The pontic that should be used in the posterior mandibular area is described by the term:
A. Marble contact
B. Modified saddle
C. Saddle
D. Sanitary

# Most suitable pontic for maxillary posterior area:
A. Trupontic or long pin pontic
B. Sanitary pontic
C. Flat back pontic with porcelain facing
D. Pin facing pontic

# A pontic should:
A. restore tooth function
B. restore tooth form
C. be biologically acceptable
D. all of the above

# Faciolingual width of pontic is determined by:
A. Opposing centric stops
B. Height of the bridges
C. Stresses created by the patient
D. length of the bridge

# Which of the following statement about pontics is true?
A. Posterior pontics should avoid balancing side contact
B. Should avoid all occlusal contacts
C. Pontics ahould permit flossing
D. Both A and C

# Which ridge relationship is observed in the modified ridge lap pontic design?
A. At least 2 mm above the ridge
B. Point contact on the ridge crest
C. Facial contact only
D. Straddles the ridge faciolingually

# In constructing an anterior fixed partial denture with multiple adjacent pontics, facial embrasures are reduced in size to enhance:
A. Esthetics
B. Cleansability
C. Proper tissue health
D. All of the above

# A reverse 3/4 crown is indicated on a mandibular molar when:
A. a reverse 3/4 crown is more esthetic
B. the facial surface offers more retention than the lingual surface
C. anatomic form of the tooth and functional relationships determine
D. all of the above

# In order to maintain the health of the tissue beneath a pontic, it is desirable to:
A. Have slight blanching of tissue when the restoration is placed
B. Have minimal tissue coverage
C. Have passive contact with the ridge with no apparent blanching
D. B and C

# Pontic design not indicated in anterior region:
A. Ovate pontic
B. Modified ridge lap pontic
C. Stein pontic
D. Spheroidal pontic

# TO replace a missing canine, the best pontic design is:
A. Modified ridge lap
B. Ridge lap
C. Ovoid
D. Sanitary

# Ovate pontics are used in:
A. Well rounded ridges
B. Knife edged ridges
C. Recently extracted tooth sockets
D. Flat ridges

# The pontic of mandibular posterior region should be:
A. Point contact
B. Saddle
C. Modified ridge lap
D. Ovate

# The main drawback of a saddle pontic is:
A. It is unhygienic
B. It is unaesthetic
C. It is bulky
D. It does not restore tooth contours

# To replace a missing canine, the best pontic design is:
A. Modified ridge lap
B. ridge lap
C. ovoid
D. Sanitary

# Which of the following pontic design is non mucosal type?
A. Ridge lap
B. Modified ridge lap
C. Sanitary
D. All of the above

# Perel Pontic is:
A. Ovate
B. Conical
C. Hygienic
D. Modified Sanitary

# Which type of cervical finish line prepared will result in an over contoured restoration?
A. Chamfer
B. Knife edge
C. Shoulder
D. Shoulder with bevel

# The gingival finish line on a tipped molar should be:
A. Shoulder
B. Chamfer
C. Knife edge
D. Shoulder with bevel

# The best finish line for anterior metal ceramic crown is:
A. Chamfer with bevel
B. Heavy chamfer
C. Shoulder
D. Shoulder with bevel

# Which of the following burs is used for developing chamfer margins?
A. Flat ended, tapered diamond cylinder
B. Round ended, tapered diamond cylinder
C. Twelve fluted carbide burs
D. End cutting burs

# Preparation of shoulder in anterior tooth is done with:
A. Inverted cone bur
B. Plain fissure bur
C. Cross cut fissure bur
D. End cutting bur

# Gingival finish lines are placed:
A. Supra/subgingivally according to need
B. For better cleansing
C. Subgingivally only
D. Supragingivally only

# The finish line used in complete metal cast crown is:
A. Chamfer
B. Chamfer with bevel
C. Feather edge
D. Shoulder

# The best gingival finish line for porcelain jacket crown is:
A. Chamfer
B. Knife edge
C. Shoulder
D. Shoulder on facial and chamfer on lingual side

# The finish line which do not have a sliding fit is:
A. Chamfer
B. Knife edge
C. Shoulder
D. Bevel

# Identify the correctly matched statement.
A. Shoulder - arduous to prepare
B. Knife edge - indicated in young patients
C. Chamfer - most recommended finish line for complete metal crowns
D. All of the above

# Identify the wrong statement regarding shoulder preparation.
A. More commonly recommended in porcelain crowns
B. It is perpendicular to the axial tooth preparation
C. Conserves tooth structure compared to other finish lines
D. Provides butt type of joint

# An advantage of shoulder preparation when making a porcelain crown is:
A. Facilitates fitting and seating of the casting
B. laboratory technician can better discern the area on the die
C. Provides for thickness of the porcelain
D. It facilitates taking the impression of the preparation

# The ultimate in finish lines that permit an acute margin of metal is:
A. Shoulder
B. Chamfer
C. Knife edge
D. Shoulder with bevel

# All of the following are the advantages of shoulder finish line except:
A. Good crown contour
B. Less distortion
C. Provide adequate bulk
D. Superior marginal adaptation

# The chamfer finish line is used in:
A. Lingual surface of metal ceramic crown
B. Facial surface of metal ceramic crown
C. Facial surface of porcelain jacket crown
D. Lingual surface of porcelain jacket crown

# In facial porcelain margin, the risk of fracture can be reduced by:
A. Increased axial depth upto 3 mm
B. Cavosurface margin at 90 degree
C. Margins of tooth reduction at incisal edge
D. Providing contact during centric relationship

# Shoulder with bevel margin is indicated for:
A. facial margin of posterior metal ceramic crowns with supragingival margins
B. facial margin of posterior metal ceramic crowns with deep sub gingival margins
C. Cast metal restorations on the posterior teeth
D. Facial margin of a maxillary partial veneer crown

# Finish line prepared in full veneer crown is:
A. Buccal shoulder and lingually chamfer
B. Lingually shoulder and bucally chamfer
C. All shoulder
D. All chamfer


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