

Wound tissue and repair

# The word 'Patient' is derived from Latin word 'patiens' which means:
A. Disease
B. Suffering
C. Treatment
D. To cure

# "Sign of compression" is characteristically seen in:
A. Lipoma
B. Hernia
C. Vascular swelling
D. Sebaceous cyst

# "Crepitus" may be seen in:
A. Bony fracture
B. Tenosynovitis
C. Subcutaneous emphysema
D. All of the above

# Langer's skin lines are useful for:
A. Incisions
B. Diagnosis
C. Anatomical
D. For proper healing

# Primary closure of incised wounds must be done within:
A. 2 hrs
B. 4 hrs
C. 6 hrs
D. 12 hrs

# Patient has lacerated untidy wound of the leg and attended the casualty after 2 hours. His wound should be:
A. Sutured immediately
B. Debrided and sutured immediately
C. Cleaned and dressed
D. Debrided and sutured secondarily

# The tensile strength of wound reaches that of normal tissue by:
A. 6 weeks
B. 2 months
C. 4 months
D. 6 months

# Nerve repair in an infected wound should be:
A. Primary
B. Delayed primary
C. Secondary
D. Not done at all

# Delayed wound healing is seen in all EXCEPT:
A. Malignancy
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. Infection

# Wound healing is:
A. Impaired in anaemic patients
B. Not impaired by hypoproteinemia
C. Stimulated by steroids
D. More rapid in young than in old

# The best dressing for open wounds is:
A. Opsite
B. Amnion
C. Tulie grass
D. Skin

# Wound contraction can be most effectively minimized by:
A. Split skin graft
B. Full thickness grafting
C. Allowing secondary granulation
D. Dressing with placenta

# The following are used for the wound healing:
A. Copper
B. Magnesium
C. Selenium
D. Calcium

# Implantation cyst is formed due to:
A. Persistence of epithelial cells after wound healing
B. Excessive wound contraction
C. Bursting open of wound
D. All of the above

# A major wound infection is defined as:
A. wound discharging pus spontaneously
B. Wound with multiple infection
C. Wound that has not healed even after many days
D. None of these

# False of wound fibroblast is:
A. Derived from blood precursor cell
B. With fibrin form scaffold
C. Thick blood clot prevents fibrin or fibroblast penetration and delay healing
D. Fibroblast forms collagen

# In humans other than epithelium, which other tissue can actually grow?
A. Connective tissue
B. Cardiac muscle
C. Liver tissue
D. Smooth muscle tissue

# Scar tissue is called:
A. Granulation tissue
B. Keloid
C. Callus
D. All of the above

# Keloid scars:
A. Usually occur in the causcasian race
B. Often occur in wounds which have healed perfectly without complications
C. Surgical treatment as a single modality has the least recurrence
D. Radiation should not be administered as it is a non malignant condition

# A contusion usually result from:
A. Cut injury
B. Blunt trauma
C. Crush injury
D. Penetrating injury

# The injury which does not penetrate the dermis fully:
A. Laceration
B. Contusion
C. Abrasion
D. Crush

# Degloving injury is:
A. Surgeon made wound
B. Lacerated wound
C. Blunt injury
D. Avulsion injury

# If rupture marks are to be avoided, skin sutures should be removed by:
A. 72 hours
B. 1 weeks
C. 2 weeks
D. 3 weeks

# Gut suturing material is absorbed by:
A. Oxidation
B. Hydrolysis
C. Fibrinolysis
D. Proteolysis

# Surgical drains should be removed from sutured lacerated wounds:
A. After 12 hours
B. After 2 days
C. When no drainage is present
D. Within 36 hours

# The extent of muscle damage by a bullet depends mainly upon:
A. Size
B. Density
C. Velocity
D. Weight

# Which of the following leads to persistence of a fistula?
A. Presence of a foreign body
B. Recurrent infection
C. Non dependent drainage
D. All of the above

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