

Embryology MCQs

# Number of somatic chromosomes in humans is:
A. 42
B. 41
C. 46
D. 44

# Which of the following is true of meiosis?
A. It exclusively takes place in somatic cells
B. At the end, same number of chromosomes are maintained in the daughter cells
C. Only two daughter cells are formed at the end of meiosis
D. Crossing over and genetic variability is enhanced

# Which of the following has a haploid complement of chromosomes?
A. Spermatid
B. Primary spermatocyte
C. Spermatogonium
D. Oogonium

# Barr body is found in the following phase of the cell cycle:
A. Interphase
B. Metaphase
C. G1 phase
D. Telophase

# The primary germ layer endoderm is derived from:
A. Embryonic disc
B. Yolk sac
C. Amniotic cavity
D. Placenta

# The primordial of the craniofacial complex develops from:
A. Hensen's node
B. Notochordal process
C. Cloacal membrane
D. Blastopore

# Odontoblasts are derived from which of the following:
A. Ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Neural crest cells
D. Mesenchyme

# All of the following cells are of endodermal origin EXCEPT:
A. Hepatocytes
B. Epithelial cells of the intestine
C. Odontoblasts
D. Goblet cells

# Developmentally stomodeum is separated from the pharynx dorsally by:
A. Pharyngeal arch
B. Buccopharyngeal membrane
C. Rathke's pouch
D. Mandibular process

# Striated muscles of the tongue are derived from:
A. First pharyngeal swelling
B. Lateral lingual swelling
C. Occipital myotomes
D. Preoptic myotome muscles

# Muscles of the face are derived from the mesoderm of:
A. First branchial arch
B. Second branchial arch
C. Third branchial arch
D. Second and third branchial arch

# Which of the following is not supplied by facial nerve?
A. Stapedius
B. Stylopharyngeus
C. Stylohyoid
D. Occipitofrontalis

# All are developed from muscles of the first arch EXCEPT:
A. Tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini
B. Posterior belly of digastric
C. Masticatory muscles
D. Mylohyoid

# Meckel's cartilage extends from:
A. Otic capsule
B. Styloid bone
C. Hyoid cartilage
D. None of the above

# Component from second branchial arch is:
A. Mandible
B. Muscles of mastication
C. Muscles of facial expression

# External auditory meatus develops from:
A. Dorsal part of the first ectodermal pouch
B. Dorsal part of the second cleft
C. Dorsal part of the third ectodermal pouch
D. Sixth branchial arch

# Tongue develops from all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Tuberculum impar
B. Hypobranchial eminence
C. Lingual swellings
D. Arytenoid swellings

# Anterior two third of the tongue arises from:
A. Hypobranchial eminence
B. Two lingual swellings
C. Tuberculum impar
D. Both B and C

# The lateral lingual swellings and tuberculum impar give rise to:
A. Anterior one third of the tongue
B. Anterior two third of the tongue
C. Posterior one third of the tongue
D. Posterior two third of the tongue

# Intrinsic muscles of the tongue develop from:
A. Tuberculum impar
B. Second branchial arch
C. Occipital myotomes
D. Hypobranchial eminences

# Thyroid gland develops from:
A. Thyroglossal duct
B. Rathke's pouch
C. Notochord process
D. Embryonal disc

# Upper and lower lip are formed from which embryonic processes?
A. Maxillary and mandibular
B. Maxillary and median nasal process and mandibular process
C. Maxillary, mandibular, lateral nasal and medial nasal process
D. Mandibular and Median nasal

# Unilateral cleft lip occurs due to failure of:
A. Fusion of lateral nasal process with maxillary process
B. Fusion of median nasal process with maxillary process
C. Fusion of median and lateral nasal process
D. None of the above

# Oblique facial cleft results due to:
A. Improper fusion between maxillary and lateral nasal process
B. Improper fusion between maxillary and medial nasal process
C. Improper fusion between frontonasal and mandibular process
D. Improper fusion between maxillary and mandibular process

# Corner of mouth is formed by:
A. Maxillary and mandibular processes
B. Maxillary and medial nasal process
C. Mandibular and medial nasal process
D. Maxillary, medial and lateral nasal process

# Foramen ovale is developmental anomaly of:
A. Interventricular septum of heart
B. Interatrial septum of heart
C. Atrioventricular valves of heart
D. Septum pellucidum of heart

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