Who first advocated the opening of mid palatal suture to expand the dental arch?

 # Who first advocated the opening of mid palatal suture to expand the dental arch?
Emerson C. Angell 
B. Pierre Fauchard
C. Edward H. Angle 
D. Raymond Begg

The correct answer is A. Emerson C. Angell.

In 1860 Emerson C. Angell was probably the first person to advocate opening of the midline suture to provide space in the maxillary arch, because he took a very strong stand against extraction.

Ref: Graber, 7th Edition

Double lip is a feature of:

 # Double lip is a feature of:
 A. Aschers syndrome
B. Parry Romberg syndrome
C. Pierre Robin Syndrome
D. Mieschers syndrome

The correct answer is A. Aschers syndrome.

Ascher syndrome was first described in 1920 by an ophthalmologist. This syndrome presents as blepharochalasis(swelling of the eyelids), double lip and nontoxic thyroid enlargement. The thyroid enlargement is not present in all cases of this syndrome. The syndrome is often undiagnosed because of its rarity.

Otocephaly is a developmental disorder of:

 # Otocephaly is a developmental disorder of:
 A. Zygoma
B. Jaw bone
C. Occipital bone
D. Parietal bone

The correct answer is B. Jaw bone.

Otocephaly, also known as agnathia–otocephaly complex, is a very rare and lethal cephalic disorder characterized by the absence of the mandible (agnathia), with the ears fused together just below the chin (synotia). It is caused by a disruption to the development of the first branchial arch. It occurs in every 1 in 70,000 embryos.  

Reference: WIKIPEDIA

MCQs on Pharmacology - Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System

# The highest seat of regulating autonomic functions is located in:
A. Hypothalamus
B. Medulla
C. Spinal cord
D. Midbrain

# Catecholamines are synthesized from which amino acid?
A. Histamine
B. Phenylalanine
C. Tryptophan
D. Glycine

MCQs in Pharmacology - Drugs acting on Central Nervous System

# CNS depressant drug which reduces excitement without much effect on sleep is (also called anti anxiety drug):
A. Anticholinergic
B. Antipsychotic
C. Sedative
D. Hypnotic

# CNS depressant drug which produces sleep but patient may be awakened by inducing pain. This type of drug is called:
A. Antileptic
B. Antisympathetic
C. Sedative
D. Hypnotic

MCQs in General Pathology - Cardiovascular Pathology

# All of the following are examples in which active hyperemia is seen EXCEPT:
A. Inflammation and high grade fever
B. Blushing of face following emotion
C. Muscular exercise
D. Cardiac congestive failure

# Which of the following is true of heart failure cells?
A. Hemosiderin pigment laden alveolar macrophages present in venous congestion of lungs
B. Also called as Aschoff nodules present in endocardium seen in rheumatic fever
C. Also called as Mallory bodies seen in alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
D. Cells responsible for cardiac failure in congestive cardiac failure

MCQs in General Pathology - Acute and Chronic Infections

# Adenopathy is clinically manifested by:
A. Hyposalivation
B. Swelling
C. High grade fever
D. All of the above

# Lepra cells are seen in abundance in:
A. Tuberculoid leprosy
B. Lepromatous leprosy
C. Histoid leprosy
D. Intermediate leprosy