# What is not included in the measurement of the facial angle?
A. Facial height
B. Frankfort horizontal plane
C. Nasion point
D. Pogonion point
The correct answer is A. Facial height.
The facial angle is used to measure the degree of retrusion or protrusion of the lower jaw. This is the
inferior inside angle in which the facial line (nasion-pogonion) intersects the Frankfort horizontal
(FH). The mean reading for this angle is 87.8 degrees (SD, 3.6) with a range of 82 to 95 degrees. A prominent chin increases this angle, whereas a smaller than average angular reading suggests a retrusive chin.
Therefore, the facial angle indicates the degree of recession or protrusion of the mandible in relation
to the upper face at the point in which the Frankfort horizontal is related to the facial line (nasion-pogonion). The magnitude of this angle increases with a prominent chin.