

MCQs on Cardiovascular System - Physiology Part 2

# Absolute period when whole heart is in diastole is :
A. 0.7 sec
B. 0.3 sec
C. 0.2 sec
D. 0.4 sec

# The effects of adrenaline on heart are all except :
A. Increases heart rate
B. Decreases myocardial irritability
C. Increases force of contraction
D. Increases oxygen uptake by heart

# Cardiac output is maximum to :
A. Liver
B. Brain
C. Kidney
D. Heart

# Increase in carotid sinus pressure produces:
A. Reflex hyperpnea
B. Reflex bradycardia
C. Reflex tachycardia
D. Reflex hypercapnia

# Effect on force of contraction of heart is :
A. Chronotropic effect
B. Dromotropic efffect
C. Bathmotropic effect
D. Inotropic effect

# SA node acts as a pacemaker of the heart because of the fact that it:
A. is capable of generating impulses
B. has rich sympathetic innervations
C. has poor cholinergic innervations
D. generates impulses at the highest rate

# Distribution of blood flow is mainly regulated by the :
A. Arteries
B. Arterioles
C. Capillaries
D. Venules

# The following factors increase the cardiac output except:
A. Preload
B. Afterload
C. Heart rate
D. Myocardial contractility

# Ventricular muscle receives impulses directly from the:
A. Purkinje system
B. Bundle of His
C. Right and left bundle branches
D. AV node

# In determining blood pressure by auscultatory method,
A. The loudest sound is the diastolic pressure
B. Systolic pressure estimation tends to be lower than those made by palpatory method
C. The first sound heard is systolic pressure
D. The sounds that are heard are generated in heart

# Isovolumetric relaxation ends immediately after:
A. AV valve closes
B. When ventricular pressure falls below aortic pressure
C. When ventricular pressure falls below atrial pressure
D. None of the above

# Glomerular capillary pressure differ from other capillaries of body in:
A. Higher filtration pressure
B. Lower filtration pressure
C. Both of the above
D. None

# The hemoglobin oxygen saturation of blood entering the right ventricle is approximately:
A. 97 percent
B. 85 percent
C. 75 percent
D. 53 percent

# Which of the following increases turbulence in blood flow ?
A. Reynolds number <2000
B. Decrease in viscosity of blood
C. Decrease in density of blood
D. Increase in diameter of blood vessel
# In the case of heart muscle , all are true except:
A. Acts as syncytium
B. Has multiple nuclei
C. has gap junctions
D. has branching

# The velocity of conduction in the purkinje fibers of the heart is :
A. 1 to 4 m/s
B. 5 to 8 m/s
C. 9 to 12 m/s
D. more than 12 m/s

# Second heart sound is characterized by all except:
A. due to closure of semilunar valves
B. is occasionally split
C. has longer duration than first heart sound
D. marks the onset of diastole

# What is common between systemic and pulmonary circulation?
A. Volume of the circulation per minute
B. Peripheral vascular resistance
C. Pulse pressure
D. Total capacity

# Stimulation of the baroreceptors results in :
A. Increase in heart rate
B. Decreased vagal discharge
C. Increased sympathetic discharge
D. Decrease in blood pressure

# The function of carotid body is :
A. Measures the change in pO2 in arterial blood
B. Measures pO2 in venous blood
C. Measures the change in CO2 in arterial blood
D. Measures the change in CO2 in venous blood

# The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by :
A. Closure of the pulmonary valve
B. Rapid filling of the left ventricle
C. Closure of the aortic valve
D. Contraction of the aorta

# Peripheral vascular resistance is best given by :
A. Mean arterial pressure responsible for blood flow to organ
B. Diastolic blood pressure as it decreases till mid-thoracic aorta
C. Pulse pressure as it relates to stroke volume and aortic compliance
D. Systolic pressure as it increase in descending aorta

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