

MCQs on Odontogenic cysts and Tumors - Oral Pathology Part 2

# Ghost (Shadow) cells are seen in:
A. Ameloblastic fibroodontoma
B. Calcifying odontogenic cyst
C. Compound Odontoma
D. All of the above

# A 25 year old male patient reports with a bony expansile swelling of the right body of the mandible & mild paraesthesia of the IDN. OPG shows a multilocular  radiolucency without root resorption.
i) What would be your choice of next investigation?
A. Excision biopsy
B. Aspiration cytology
C. CT scan
D. PET bone scan

ii) A dirty white aspirate with a protein estimation of <4gm% is suggestive of:
A. Ossifying fibroma
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
D. Odontogenic keratocyst

iii) Odontogenic keratocyst is noted for its:
A. Malignant transformation
B. Daughter cysts and high rate of recurrence
C. Impacted teeth
D. Nodal metastasis

iv) Management of odontogenic keratocyst involves :
A. Marsupialization
B. Enucleation
C. Enucleation with peripheral ostectomy
D. Resection and radiation

# Treatment for cementoma : (two answers)
A. No treatment
B. Pulpectomy
C. Resection of jaw
D. None of the above

# Lesions associated with vital tooth :
A. Condensing osteitis
B. Cementoma
C. Periapical abscess
D. None of the above

# Destructively invasive, locally malignant with rare metastasis, the lesion is:
A. Fibroma
B. Ameloblastoma
C. Papilloma
D. None of the above

# Compound odontoma shows :
A. Mixed tissue of dental origin with no rsemblance to tooth structure
B. Numerous tooth like structure with denticles commonly found in maxillary lateral incisors
C. Haphazardly arranged calcified mass
D. all of the above

# Dentigerous cyst is suspected if the follicular space is more than:
A. 2-3 mm
B. 3-4 mm
C. 1-2 mm
D. >5 mm

# After entering a radiolucent lesion in a 30 yr old man, hollow cavity without epithelial lining is seen, the most probable diagnosis is :
A. Aneurysmal bone cyst
B. Static bone cavity
C. Hemorrhagic bone cyst
D. Ameloblastoma

# A patient with ameloblastoma of the jaw can best be treated by:
A. Irradiation
B. Excision
C. Enucleation
D. Surgical removal followed by cauterization
# Dentigerous cyst is associated with the following :
A. Impacted third molar
B. Impacted supernumerary tooth
C. Odontome
D. All of the above

# The epithelium of a dentigerous cyst is :
A. 15-20 cell thick
B.  6-10 cell thick
C. 2-4 cell thick
D. 1-2 cell thick

# Clear cells are commonly seen in which of the following lesions ?
A. Pleomorphic
B. Warthin's tumor
C. Mucoepidermoid
D. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

# Multiple periapical radiolicencies are seen in:
A. Jaw cyst basal cell nevus syndrome
B. Odontogenic keratocyst
C. Cherubism
D. Thyroid disorders

# A 36 year old male with an asymptomatic swelling in the body of the mandible with radiographic features of radiolucency with radiopaque flecks is suffering from :
A. Odontogenic keratocyst
B. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT)
C. Ameloblastoma
D. None of the above

# Pindborg tumor arises from : (two answers correct)
A. Basal layer of cells
B. Stratum intermedium
C. Stratum corneum
D. Dental lamina

# A six year old child patient has blue dome shaped swelling in posterior mandibular region, what will be the treatment plan?
A. reassure the patient without any treatment
B. Excise the lesion
C. Marsupialization
D. Surgical excision

# The pathogenesis of periapical cyst is :
A. Increased pressure within the cyst
B. Immune mediated bone destruction
C. Proliferation of  epithelium
D. None

# Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is characterized histologically by :
A. Polyhedral epithelial cells
B. Tubular/duct like cells
C. Stellate shaped cells
D. Stratified squamous epithelial cells

# Cyst arising from dental lamina :
A. Radicular cyst
B. Paradental cyst
C. Eruption cyst
D. Glandular odontogenic cyst
# The most common odontogenic cyst is:
A. Primordial cyst
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Radicular cyst
D. Mucocele

# Standard treatment of ameloblastoma :
A. Segmental resection with 1 cm of normal bone
B. Enbloc resection
C. Enucleation
D. Enucleation with cauterization

# The most aggressive and destructive cyst is :
A. Periapical cyst
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Globullomaxillary cyst
D. Nasopalatine cysst

# Facial nerve paralysis is common with:(D>B)
A. Pleomorphic adenoma
B. Epidermoid carcinoma
C. Warthin's tumor
D. Lymphoepithelial carcinoma

# COC is now called as:
A. Odontogenic ghost cell tumor
B. Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor
C. Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor
D. A and C

# Multiple bilateral dentigerous cysts are seen in:
A. Down's syndrome
B. Maroteaux Lamy syndrome
C. Treacher Collins Syndrome
D. Gorlin Goltz syndrome

# The cyst that remains behind in the jaws after removal of the tooth is :
A. Lateral periodontal cyst
B. Radicular cyst
C. Residual cyst
D. None of the above

# Corrugated collagenous rings surrounding lymphocytes and plasma cells in the walls of inflammatory cysts are called:
A. Rushton bodies
B. Hyaline bodies
C. Howell-Jolly Bodies
D. Papenheimer bodies

# Potential complications stemming from dentigerous cyst are:
A. Ameloblastoma
B. Epidermoid carcinoma
C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
D. All of the above