

MCQs on Vascular Supply of Head and Neck - Part 2

# The number of branches of the internal carotid artery in the neck is :
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. None

# Lymph from the teeth drains into all of the following nodes except :
A. Sub mandibular nodes
B. Deep cervical nodes
C. Retropharyngeal nodes
D. Sub mental nodes

# Facial artery does not supply the :
A. Tonsils
B. Submandibular gland
C. External auditory meatus
D. Lower part of the nasal septum

# The external jugular vein :
A. Lies deep to the Sternocleidomastoid muscle
B. It drains into internal jugular vein
C. It is formed by the union of the posterior auricular vein and posterior division of the retromandibular vein
D. It pierces pre-tracheal layer of cervical fascia before termination

# Danger area of face is called so because of connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus through :
A. Transverse facial vein
B. Superior ophthalmic vein
C. Maxillary vein
D. Ethmoidal vein

# Origin of maxillary artery :
A. Angle of mandible
B. Neck of condyle
C. Body of mandible
D. Coronoid process

# Facial artery arises at the level of :
A. Below hyoid bone
B. Above hyoid bone
C. Hyoid bone
D. Above styloid process

# The ascending palatine artery is a branch of :
A. Ascending pharyngeal artery
B. First part of the facial artery
C. Pterygopalatine part of the maxillary artery
D. Sphenopalatine artery # Which of the following is not a branch of the external carotid artery ?
A. Ophthalmic artery
B. Pharyngeal artery
C. Maxillary artery
D. Lingual artery

# Internal jugular vein is a continuation of :
A. Common facial vein
B. External jugular vein
C. Sigmoid sinus
D. Superior petrosal sinus

# The retromandibular vein is formed by :
A. Superficial temporal and maxillary veins
B. Superficial temporal and internal jugular vein
C. Superficial temporal and supratrochlear
D. Maxillary and posterior auricular

# The main arterial supply of the face is :
A. Superficial temporal
B. Maxillary
C. Facial
D. Internal carotid artery

# Transverse facial artery is a branch of :
A. Superficial temporal
B. Maxillary
C. Facial
D. Internal carotid artery

# Largest vein of face is :
A. Facial vein
B. Retromandibular vein
C. Posterior auricular
D. Supratrochlear

# Carotid sheath contains all except :
A.Vagus nerve
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Common caroid artery
D. External carotid artery
E. Internal jugular vein

# Vertebral artery is a branch of :
A. Subclavian artery
B. Internal carotid artery
C. External carotid artery
D. Superficial temporal artery

# Which of the following is a paired venous sinus of duramater ?
A. Cavernous sinus
B. Superior petrosal
C. Transverse sinus
D. All of the above
# Hypophysis cerebri is supplied by
A. Internal carotid
B. External carotid
C. Maxillary artery
D. Facial artery

# Which of the following is not correct ?
A. Right common carotid artery is a branch of brachiocephalic artery
B. Left common carotid artery is a branch of arch of aorta
C. The common carotid artery is divided into external and internal carotid arteries at level of upper border of thyroid cartilage
D. Carotid sinus acts as a chemoreceptor

# Occipital artery is a branch of :
A. Internal carotid artery
B. Posterior branch of external carotid
C. Medial branch of external carotid
D. Anterior branch of external carotid

# TMJ is supplied by :
A. Superficial temporal
B. Maxillary
C. Internal carotid
D. Both A and B

# True about subclavian artery :
A. Principal artery of the upper limb
B. Right subclavian artery is a branch of brachiocephalic artery
C. Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
D. Internal thoracic, vertebral and thyrocervical trunk are branches of subclavian artery
E. All of the above

# Which of the following is correct ?
A. Subclavian vein is a continuation of axillary vein
B. Internal jugular vein is a direct continuation of sigmoid sinus
C. Brachiocephalic vein is formed behind the sternoclavicular joint by the union of internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein
D. All of the above

# Soft palate is supplied by :
A. Greater palatine artery
B. Ascending palatine artery
C. Ascending pharyngeal artery
D. All of the above

# The stage of deglutition, which is voluntary in nature is :
A. Stage - I
B. Stage - II
C. Stage - III
D. Satge I and Stage II

# Auditory tube is supplied by :
A. Ascending pharyngeal
B. Middle meningeal
C. Artery of pterygoid cannal
D. All of the above

# The maxillary vein accompanies :
A. First part of the maxillary artery
B. Second part of maxillary artery
C. Third part of maxillary artery
D. None of the above

# Superior vena cava is formed by :
A. Subclavian vein
B. Internal jugular vein
C. External jugular vein
D. Thoracic vein
E. Brachiocephalic vein
# What is not true for facial artery ?
A. Main source of blood supply to palatine tonsil
B. Supplies branches to upper and lower lips
C. Conveys post ganglionic sympathetic fibers to submandibular gland
D. Is a branch of internal carotid artery

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