

MCQs in Traumatology and Endodontic Surgery - Endodontics MCQs

# A tooth was re-implanted and after 2 years, it gave stony hard sound on percussion. What is diagnosis?
A. Internal resorption
B. External resorption
C. Replacement resorption
D. Inflammatory resorption

# A severe blow to a permanent anterior tooth, not causing fracture frequently leads to:
A. Permanent looseness
B. Immediate pulpal death
C. Pulpal death, but only if treatment is delayed for too long
D. Pulpal death regardless of treatment

# In class IV anterior tooth fracture:
A. No treatment possible
B. Treatment to be given but it is problematic
C. No treatment required
D. None of the above

# Enamel fracture without tooth structure loss or incomplete fracture results from:
A. Concussion
B. Avulsion
C. Subluxation
D. None of the above

# A contusion usually result from:
A. Cut injury
B. Blunt trauma
C. Crush injury
D. Penetrating injury

# Apical root fracture inn an anterior tooth is treated by:
A. Extraction
B. Splinting for 2-3 months
C. Endodontic treatment
D. All of the above

# In primary tooth intrusion is common because:
A. Alveolar bone is pliable
B. Vertical overlap of teeth
C. Lip protection to maxillary anterior
D. All of the above

# Endodontically treated posterior teeth are more susceptible to fracture than untreated posterior teeth. The best explanation for this is:
A. Moisture loss
B. Loss of root vitality
C. Plastic deformation of dentin
D. Destruction of the coronal architecture

# Best prognosis is for:
A. Fracture of apical third of root
B. Fracture in the middle third
C. Fracture in the coronal third
D. Prognosis is unrelated to the location of the fracture

# The most common age group for fractures of permanent teeth is:
A. 8-12 years
B. 4-5 years
C. 1-2 years
D. 3-6 years

# In class-III Ellis fracture:
A. Only enamel is involved
B. Enamel and dentin are involved
C. Enamel dentin and pulp are involved
D. Non vital pulp

# A traumatized tooth nonvital with or without crown fracture is classified as Ellis:
A. Class III
B. Class IV
C. Class V
D. Class VII

# Exarticulation of teeth means:
A. Intrusion
B. Extrusion
C. Subluxation
D. Avulsion

# A child has mid crown fracture in a permanent maxillary central incisor several months ago, the pulp is now necrotic, radiographic examination reveals an incompletely formed root with an open apex. Treatment of choice is:
A. Formocresol pulpotomy
B. Root canal therapy
C. Calcium hydroxide pulpotomy
D. Apexification

# A permanent tooth with fracture involving apical one third of root after treatment, would most likely:
A. Exhibit internal root resorption
B. Remain vital and functional
C. Be ankylosed
D. Exhibit external root resorption and exfoliate

# In Ellis classification of injured teeth, a class IV represents:
A. Non vital tooth
B. Avulsed tooth
C. Fracture involving only the enamel
D. Fracture involving enamel and dentin but not pulp

# The X-ray of a traumatized tooth is important because:
A. To determine root fracture
B. To assess the stage of root development
C. As basis for future treatment
D. All of the above

# The most generally accepted treatment of root fracture in the apical third of a maxillary central incisor involves:
A. Splinting with orthodontic bands and a sectional arch wire
B. Frequent pulp testing and radiographic examination
C. Extraction of the tooth
D. Immediate pulp extirpation

# A severe blow to a permanent anterior tooth not resulting in fracture, commonly leads to:
A. Pulpal death in the absence of treatment
B. Death of pulp despite treatment
C. Fracture of involved bone
D. Mobility

# Period of immobilization for reimplanted mature tooth is:
A. 7 to 10 days
B. need not be immobilized
C. 3-4 weeks
D. 2-3 weeks

# Stabilization of avulsed tooth requires:
A. 1-2 weeks
B. 2-3 weeks
C. 4-6 weeks
D. More than 6 weeks

# Success of reimplanted avulsed tooth depends upon:
A. Proper antibiotic coverage
B. Prevention of dehydration of Periodontal ligament of avulsed tooth
C. Protection of socket
D. All of the above

# A 12 year old child suffers from an avulsed tooth following trauma. The best medium in which to carry the tooth to the dental clinic is:
A. Buccal vestibule
B. Milk
C. Water
D. Cotton

# Which of the following directly affects the prognosis of an avulsed tooth?
A. Condition of the dental socket when the tooth was replanted
B. Whether necrotic cementum was removedd from the root
C. Whether the pulp was extirpated to prevent periapical inflammation
D. Length of time the tooth was out of the mouth

# Most of the failures of replanted tooth are due to:
A. Replacement resorption
B. Surface resorption
C. External resorption
D. Internal resorption

# Apical surgery is least indicated in:
A. Maxillary molars
B. Maxillary premolars
C. Mandibular molars
D. Mandibular premolars

# Replacement resorption is characterized by:
A. Pain
B. Apical pathosis
C. Acute inflammation
D. Tooth ankylosis

# Apicoectomy is contraindicated in:
A. Extensive bone loss
B. Over filled canals
C. Lateral perforation at apical third
D. Is not contraindicated

# The prognosis of the broken instrument in root canal is good when:
A. Instrument is less than 20 no.
B. Instrument is lodged in the bone beyond the apical area
C. Instrument obliterates apical third of the canal
D. Instrument is in middle

# In periapical surgery, which of the following flap designs limit access to the operative site and often heals with scar formation:
A. Envelope
B. Rectangular
C. Semilunar
D. Triangular

# RCT treated roots with well filled post and core, has a periapical radiolucency:
A. Apicoectomy and retrograde filling with silver
B. Periapical curettage and apicoectomy
C. Retreat and filling gutta percha
D. None of the above

# Draining abscess by cutting a window in the bone is:
A. Hilton's method
B. Trephination
C. Marsupialization
D. Odontectomy

# Endodontic surgery should be avoided in:
A. Short rooted teeth
B. Teeth with periodontal disease
C. Lingual surface of mandibular molars
D. All of the above

# Which of the following are complications of periapical surgery?
A. Paresthesia
B. Ecchymoses
C. Stitch abscess
D. All of the above

# Apicoectomy is indicated in which one of the following cases:
A. Persistent positive results of root canal culture for microorganisms
B. Incomplete obturation in apical part of root canal with persistent infection
C. Fracture of apical one third area of root in a vital asymptomatic tooth
D. Presence of a minor pulp stone in pulp chamber

# Which surgical procedure is indicated after the endodontic treatment is completed of a mandibular molar with periodontal and carious involvement of bifurcation?
A. Hemisection
B. Fenestration
C. Root amputation
D. Apical curettage

# Which is true about mucogingival flap designs?
A. Flaps should be wider at the base
B. Flaps should be narrower at the base
C. Flap margins should not rest on the bone
D. Mucogingival flaps should be avoided

# All of the following incisions are recognized, standard approaches for an apicoectomy EXCEPT:
A. Cervical margin of teeth with buccal extensions
B. Figure of eight
C. Rectangular
D. Semilunar


  1. Thank you so much 😊

  2. Which of the following directly affects the prognosis of an avulsed tooth? Whats the answer???

    1. lenth of the tooth was out of the mouth
      reff dental pulse endodontic surgery

  3. Where are the answers?



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