

MCQs on Child Psychology - Pedodontics

# Most realistic approach in managing a difficult child in dental clinic is:
A. Disregard the behavior of child
B. Make child familiar with clinical atmosphere
C. Physical methods to make child accept the treatment
D. None of the above

# Hand over mouth exercise (HOME) is effective behavioral modification technique in the age group of:
A. 3 to 6 years
B. Under 3 years
C. 6 to 9 years
D. Above 9 years

# According to Frankel behavioral rating scale, a negative child is the one:
A. who shows reluctance to accept treatment with some evidence of negative attitude
B. who accepts treatment but at times cautiously
C. cries forcefully but accepts treatment
D. who refuses treatment and cries forcefully

# Best time to see a 3 year old child in the dental office is:
A. Early in the morning
B. Just before lunch
C. Just after lunch
D. Any time
Child Psychology MCQs Pedodontics

# Paradoxical excitation in children is caused by:
A. Barbiturate
B. Narcotic
C. Nitrous oxide
D. None of the above

# Nitrous oxide (N2O) more than 30-40% causes:
A. Diffusion hypoxia
B. Anoxia
C. Amnesia
D. Ataxia

# Fear is :
A. a primary emotion acquired soon after birth
B. a primary emotion acquired in utero
C. a primary emotion acquired several years after birth
D. Not a primary emotion

# In managing a seven year old child, the dentist should keep in mind that a child at this age is:
A. Frequently negative
B. Susceptible to praise
C. Generally uncooperative
D. Prone to sensation anxiety

# Nitrous oxide is contraindicated in:
B. Asthma
C. Sickle cell anemia
D. All of the above

# Reinforcement technique is based on:
A. Social learning
B. Freudian psychoanalytical theory
C. Skinner's theory
D. Massler's theory

# The aim of the first session with a child patient is to all EXCEPT:
A. Establish general communication with the patient and parents
B. Start restorative procedures
C. Obtain background information of the child
D. Take radiographs

# Jenny, a 3 year old comes for her pre-dental visit. She is highly intelligent with family members of high IQ. You would do most probably what type of treatment ?
A. Radiographs and topical fluoride
B. Get the patient accustomed to the dental clinic
C. Employ desensitization
D. Employ behavior modification

# Cognitive theory of child development was given by:
A. Sigmund Frued
B. Erik Erikson
C. Jean Piaget
D. Brenner

# Tell-show-do technique of child management was introduced by :
A. Bandura
B. Addleson
C. Coope
D. Wright

# Best method of communicating with a fearful deaf child is:
A. Speaking loudly
B. Normal conversation pace
C. Use sign language
D. Speak with prominent lip movements

# A drug which is not used to provide conscious sedation in a child is:
A. Nitrous dioxide
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Hydroxyzine
D. Lincomycin

# How is a two year old positioned for an emergency examination of a fractured incisor ?
A. On the dental assistant's lap
B. On the parent's lap
C. On the dental chair
D. In the papoose board

# Basic fear of a 2 year old child during his first visit to the dentist is related to:
A. fear of an injection
B. fear of separation from parent
C. fear of dental instruments
D. not understanding the reason for dental treatment
# Peer pressure is maximum in:
A. Toddlers
B. Puberty
C. Teenagers
D. Children below 12 years

# Before sedating a child it is:
A. not essential to take the consent
B. essential to take the written consent
C. needed to consult the pediatrician
D. essential for the parents to be present

# The touch, taste, smell method of behavior management is usually used in children who are:
A. Deaf
B. Blind
C. Cerebral palsy
D. Suffering from Down's syndrome

# Jean Piaget put forth the theory of:
A. Psychoanalytic theory of psychosexual development
B. Social learning
C. Cognitive development
D. Cultural adaptation

# Which type of the fear is the most usually difficult to overcome ?
A. Long standing objective fears
B. Long standing subjective fears
C. Short term objective fears
D. Short term subjective fears

# Frankel behaviour rating system does not include following behaviour:
A. Definitely positive
B. Definitely negative
C. Positive
D. Indifferent

# The best way to help a frightened child to overcome his fear is to:
A. Identify the fear
B. Ignore the fear
C. Ridicule the frightened child
D. Divert the patient's attention

# Which of the following can result in paradoxical excitement in children ?
A. Morphine
B. Phenobarbitone
C. Nitrous oxide
D. Amphetamine

# According to Stone and Church's classification, John, age 4, can be classified developmentally as:
A. Toddler
B. Preschooler
C. Middle years child
D. Adolescent

# A child's behaviour is traced to have dental difficulties from his mother. The most satisfactory method of handling the situation is to:
A. Introduce another child as a good example
B. Modify his fear by familiarization
C. Use small amounts of barbiturates
D. Use firmness

# Apex of the pedodontic triangle is formed by:
A. Mother
B. Child
C. Dentist
D. None of the above

# HOME is:
A. aversive technique
B. remodelling
C. psychologic improvement
D. None

# The period of infancy usually refers to:
A. First 2 years after birth
B. First 1 year after birth
C. First 6 months after birth
D. First 5 years after birth

# When the cry of a child is characterized by a siren-like vocabulary, it is called as:
A. Compensatory
B. Frightened
C. Hurt
D. Obstinate

# Hand over mouth technique was first described by:
A. Dr. Evangeline Jordan
B. Addleson and Goldfried
C. Dr. G.V. Black
D. Dr. Goldman

# A dentist manages an uncooperativee child by demonstrating the procedures on another cooperative child. This way of child management is:
A. Modeling
B. Desensitization
C. Tell show do
D. Aversive conditioning

# Midazolam dose in children is (through i.m.)
A. 0.5 mg/kg
B. 0.25 mg/kg
C. 0.1 mg/kg
D. 2.5 mg/kg

# Stimulus response theory (SR theory) is also known as:
A. Physical restraint
B. Aversive conditioning
C. Behaviour shaping
D. Tender love and care

# The fear of a 6 year old child related to dentistry is primarily:
A. Subjective
B. Objective
C. Subjective and Objective
D. Psychological

# According to Piaget, the period of concrete operation is:
A. Birth to 18 months
B. 12 years and onwwards
C. 18 months to 7 years
D. 7 to 12 years
# Which of the following is not a communicative management technique according to American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) ?
A. Voice Control
B. Positive reinforcement
C. Physical restraint
D. Distraction

# A child has to be given premedication for behaviour modification, which is the most preferred route ?
A. Oral
B. Intravenous
C. Intramuscular
D. Intramucosal

# Definition of autistic child is:
A. Incapacitating communication and emotional problem
B. Most severely handicapped children
C. Disorder in one or more psycchological processes
D. Chronic recurrent and paroxysmal changes in neurologic function

# The fears that are produced by direct physical stimulation of the sense organs are:
A. Subjective fears
B. Suggestive fears
C. Objective fears
D. Imitative fears

# Behaviour modification includes all except:
A. Tell-show-do
B. Desensitization
C. Modeling
D. Hand over mouth exercise (HOME)

# The principle that "the stimulus must be changed to elicit a change in the response" is applied in:
A. Reinforcement
B. Aversive conditioning
C. Retraining
D. Modeling

# Fear of strangers and Fear of Separation from parents for the children will be diminished by:
A. First Birthday
B. Fifth Birthday
C. Third Birthday
D. Seventh Birthday

# If the use of a technique on a child is objectionable enough that the child will cooperate in order to avoid it, that technique will come under:
A. Pharmacological domain
B. Physical domain
C. Aversive domain
D. Reward oriented domain

# Which of the following extremes of parental behaviour were manifested either in extreme dominance or indulgence ?
A. Over anxiety
B. Rejection
C. Identification
D. Over protection

# "Whistle" is a word substitute for explaining the following instrument in children:
A. High speed handpiece
B. Suction apparatus
C. Low speed handpiece
D. Air syringe

# A mother who does not encourage her child to cope up with new situation thereby making him shy and timid is an example of an:
A. Overprotective mother
B. Underaffectionate mother
C. Authoritarian mother
D. Rejecting mother

# The first book on Child Dentistry was published by:
A. G.W. Wright
B. Joseph Hurlock
C. Granuldy
D. Robert Buna

# The art of reinforcing good behaviour displayed by the child with verbal praise applies the:
A. Operant conditioning thoery
B. Classical conditioning theory
C. Psychoanalytical theory
D. Social learning theory

# An effective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, or hate or the likes are expressed is termed as:
A. Behaviour
B. Emotion
C. Condition
D. Complex

# A parent asks the dentist, "Is the treatment necessary ?" after initial examination and explanation about treatment required. The behaviour of the parent is termed as:
A. Neglectful
B. Manipulative
C. Hostile
D. Overprotective

# Sensorimotor stage of cognitive development is characterized by:
A. Egocentricism
B. Symbolic play
C. Animism
D. Conservation

# Which of the following is false about conscious sedation?
A. Patient retains ability to maintain a patent airway
B. Responds appropriately to physical stimulation
C. Responds appropriately to verbal commands
D. None of the above

# Learning disability is otherwise called:
A. Infantile psychosis
B. Minimal brain dysfunction
C. Childhood Schizophrenia
D. Attention deficit disorder

# Which of the following is commonly used for immobilization of the head in a non compliant patient ?
A. Papoose Board
B. Pedi-wrap
C. Forearm-Body Support
D. All of the above

# Universally used method of behaviour management in pediatric dentistry for both cooperative and uncooperative children is:
A. Voice control
B. Behaviour shaping
C. Implosion therapy
D. Communication
# When a dentist says, " I cannot fix your teeth if you do not open your mouth wide", he is employing the technique of:
A. Problem ownership
B. Voice control
C. Tolerance
D. Flexibility

# Wright's clinical classification of children's cooperative behaviour has categories:
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 2

# Which of the following anesthetic agent is frequently used for conscious sedation ?
A. Nitrous oxide and oxygen
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Diazepam
D. Ether

# A two way process of exchanging or shaping ideas, feelings and information is called:
A. Education
B. Communication
C. Interview
D. Suggestion

# Id, ego and Superego are part of:
A. Piaget's theory
B. Freud's psychoanalytical theory
C. Stone and Churchill's theory
D. Erickson's theory