

AIIMS MDS MCQs Nov 2007 Part 1 with Answers

# Which one of the following is a junction of frontal, parietal, temporal and greater wing of sphenoid bone?
 A. Pterion
 B. Lambda
 C. Vertex
 D. Inion

# A non synovial joint with dense connective tissue between two bony surfaces is termed as:
 A. Synchondrosis
 B. Syndesmosis
 C. Symphysis
 D. Suture

# Lysis of fibrin is brought about by:
 A. Plasmin
 B. Hyaluronidase
 C. Collagenase
 D. Coagulase

# Normal hemoglobin in adults is designated as:
 A. Hb H
 B. Hb S
 C. Hb A
 D. Hb F

# During moderate exercise, blood flow to the brain:
 A. Increases
 B. Decreases
 C. No change
 D. Initially increases and then decreases

# Which one of the following statements is true when a normal person lies down?
 A. The heart rate settles above that of normal
 B. There is an immediate increase in the venous return
 C. Cerebral blood flow increases
 D. Blood flow to apex of the lung decreases

# A complex factor mucopolysaccharide present in lung and liver that also prevents coagulation of blood is:
 A. Heparin
 B. Plasmin
 C. Acetylsalicylic acid
 D. Histamine

# About Nitric oxide, all of the following is true except:
 A. It causes penile erection
 B. It acts via cAMP
 C. It decreases the vasomotor tone
 D. It is present in cigarette smoke

# Poly unsaturated fatty acids are present in all of the following EXCEPT:
 A. Mustard oil
 B. Corn Oil
 C. Ground nut Oil
 D. Fish Oil

# Iron is present in all of the following EXCEPT:
 A. Myoglobin
 B. Catalase
 C. Cytochrome
 D. Pyruvate kinase

# Enzyme that regulates the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde is:
 A. Alcohol dehydrogenase
 B. Acetaldehye dehydrognase
 C. Catalase
 D. Xanthine Oxidase

# Which of the following enzyme at a pH of 8.6 has a function in bone mineralization and hydrolysis of phosphoric esters?
 A. Acid phosphatase
 B. Alkaline phosphatase
 C. Collagenase
 D. Hyaluronidase

# Amino acid residue used in the detection of strength of collagen:
 A. Proline
 B. Hydroxyproline
 C. Glycine
 D. Hydroxylglycine

# The angle between adhesive and adherent is zero degree. This indicates:
 A. Rough surface between adhesive and adherent
 B. Presence of irregularities between the adherent surfaces
 C. Complete wetting of the surfaces
 D. Molecules of adhesive and adherent are at a tangent to each other

# Which of the following is true regarding lathe cut silver alloy?
 A. has low creep
 B. Requires least amount of energy
 C. has tensile strength both at 15 minutes and 7 days comparable to high copper unicompositional alloys
 D. Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hour

# Which of the following is true regarding corrosion of Amalgam restoration?
 A. It can extend upto a depth of 100-500 microns
 B. Decreases if tin content of alloy decreases
 C. Is promoted by gamma phase of alloy particles
 D. Is resisted most by copper tin phase in high copper amalgam

# Over trituration of silver and mercury causes:
 A. Reduction in contraction
 B. Increases strength in lathe cut but reduces strength in spherical alloy
 C. Gives a dull and crumbly amalgam mix
 D. Decreases the creep

# Poisson's ratio is:
 A. Lateral strain by axial strain within elastic limit
 B. Equal to flexural strength
 C. Is more in amalgam
 D. Is low for gold alloy

# Strain is:
 A. New length upon original length after a load is applied
 B. Original length upon new length after a load is applied
 C. Force applied to change the length
 D. Difference between the two lengths upon original length

# Most commonly used selective medium for Streptococcus mutans is:
 A. MacConkey's agar
 B. Mitis-Salivarius-Bacitracin agar
 C. Nutrient agar
 D. Tellurite medium

# All of the following is true about cerebral edema except:
 A. can result in herniation of the brain from foramen magnum
 B. results from increased lymphatic drainage
 C. results in an increase in intracranial pressure
 D. can result from an increase in plasma protein concentration

# Apoptosis is suggestive of:
 A. Coagulative necrosis
 B. Liquefactive necrosis
 C. Neoangiogenesis
 D. Epithelial dysplasia

# Long term use of aspirin causes:
 A. Decreased platelet adhesion
 B. Decrease in fibrinogen formation
 C. Hypoprothrombinemia
 D. None of the above

# Which of the following is true about Benzodiazepines?
 A. In higher quantities, it is relatively safer than other hypnotics
 B. Alters the sleep pattern to a great extent
 C. Stimulates hepatic metabolic enzymes
 D. All have metabolically active substrates

# I.V. Diazepam in a patient on the dental chair can cause:
 A. Tinel's Sign
 B. Verrill's Sign
 C. Bell's Sign
 D. Corman's Sign

# Drug that can result in hyperglycemia is:
 A. Beta blockers
 B. ACE inhibitors
 C. Glucocorticoids

# Type of collagen found in principle fibers is:
 A. Type I
 B. Type II
 C. Type III
 D. Type IV

# Severe adverse effects lead to all of the following except:
 A. Death
 B. Diabetes
 C. Prolonged hospitalization
 D. Immobility/Disability

# One of the following can be used in the management of a hemophiliac patient:
 A. Ascorbic acid
 B. Tranexamic acid
 C. Acetic acid
 D. Palmitic acid

# Regarding case control, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
 A. Risk factors can be identified
 B. It can be used in the study of rare diseases
 C. It measures incidence
 D. It requires few subjects

# Break point chlorination indicates:
 A. Start of chlorination process
 B. End of chlorination process
 C. Point where free residual chlorine starts appearing
 D. Point after partial saturation of water with chlorine

# Square root of pq/n indicates:
 A. Standard error of mean
 B. Standard error of difference in mean
 C. Standard error of proportion
 D. Standard error of difference in proportion

# True regarding randomized control trial:
 A. Baseline characteristics of intervention and control groups should be similar
 B. Investigator's bias is minimized by double blinding
 C. Help ensure that study subjects are part of the general population
 D. Reduce selection bias in allocation of treatment

# All of the following is true regarding informed consent EXCEPT:
 A. Patient must be informed about alternative procedures and their benefits
 B. Risk factors involved in the procedure must be explained
 C. Benefits of treatment likely to result must be highlighted
 D. Concealment of procedures which are beneficial may be done knowingly

# Good clinical practice is not essential in:
 A. Preclinical studies
 B. Phase I studies
 C. Phase II studies
 D. Phase IV studies

# Number of teeth used in modified PHP index is:
 A. 6
 B. 12
 C. 18
 D. 24

# Pemphigus vulgaris is characterized by:
 A. Acanthosis
 B. Auspitz sign
 C. Acantholysis
 D. Wickham's striae

# One of the following is an oral precancerous lesion:
 A. Oral hairy leukoplakia
 B. Hairy B cell leukemia
 C. White sponge nevus
 D. Speckled leukoplakia

# Important organism causing dentinal caries is:
 A. Streptococcus mutans
 B. Streptococcus viridans
 C. Borrelia vincenti
 D. Actinomyces actinobacillus

# In taurodontism, affected teeth exhibit:
 A. elongated large pulp chambers, short roots
 B. elongated small pulp chambers, short roots
 C. elongated large pulp chambers, large roots
 D. elongated small pulp chambers, large roots

# Taurodontism is usually seen in:
 A. Mesiodens
 B. Incisor with talon cusp
 C. Mandibular first molar
 D. Maxillary premolar

# Dens in dente is most commonly seen in:
 A. Premolars
 B. Lateral incisors
 C. Paramolars
 D. Maxillary canines

# A tumor of oral cavity represented as:T3N2M0 is classified as:
 A. Stage I
 B. Stage II
 C. Stage III
 D. Stage IV

# Blanching of the oral mucosa is associated with:
 A. Scleroderma
 B. Riboflavin deficiency
 C. Oral submucous fibrosis
 D. Thiamine deficiency

# Rigidity of the oral mucosa is seen with:
 A. Oral submucous fibrosis
 B. Citracical pemphigoid
 C. Healed lesions of aphthous stomatitis
 D. None of the above

# Bilateral spongy folded mucosa is seen in:
 A. Candidiasis
 B. White sponge nevus
 C. Aspirin burns
 D. Leukoplakia

# White patch on the buccal mucosa which disappears on stretching is:
 A. Leukoplakia
 B. White sponge nevus
 C. Scleroderma
 D. Leucoedema

# Most common site of occurrence of lateral periodontal cyst is:
 A. Between maxillary premolars
 B. Mandibular third molar area
 C. Maxillary tuberosity area
 D. Between mandibular cuspid and premolar

# In leukemic patient, bleeding does not stop because of:
 A. Decreased platelet count
 B. Increased WBC count
 C. Increased calcium levels
 D. Decrease in coagulation factor levels

# Increased alkaline phosphatase levels are seen with:
 A. Paget's disease
 B. Hypophosphatasia
 C. Cherubism
 D. Hyperparathyroidism

# In lead poisoning, gingival discoloration presents as:
 A. Blue black line
 B. Yellow line
 C. Grayish black line
 D. Steel gray line


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