

Middle meningeal artery:

# The middle meningeal artery: (MAN -95)
a) Enters the skull through the foramen ovale
b) Supplies the superolateral surface of the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere
c) Runs a subdural course within the cranial cavity
d) Gives an interior branch which runs deep to the pterion

The correct answer is D. Gives an interior branch which runs deep to the pterion

The middle meningeal artery enters the middle cranial fossa through the foramen spinosum. In middle cranial fossa, it has an extradural course and divides into anterior frontal branch and posterior parietal branch.

The frontal branch is closely related to the motor area of the cerebral cortex. It is the commonest source of extradural hemorrhage and results in hemiplegia of the opposite side. The parietal branch is closely related to the cerebrum and its involvement result in contralateral deafness. 

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