

General Pathology MCQs - Pathological Deposits

# Which of the following is a interstitial accumulation that leads to compression and degeneration of cell?
A. Amyloid
B. Protein accumulation such as Russel bodies seen in plasma cell
C. Fat accumulation seen in fatty liver
D. Hydropic and vascular changes due to water accumulation

# All of the following characteristics of amyloid can be used to distinguish it from other hyaline degeneration EXCEPT:
A. Intracellular accumulation
B. Affinity for congo red stain
C. It is formed due to accumulation of immunoglobulins
D. Immunofluorescein isothiocyanate test or secondary to predisposing diseases

# Primary amyloidosis occurs in:
A. Tuberculosis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Hodgkin's disease
D. None of the above

# In which of the following does amyloid characteristically contain I light chains?
A. Mutiple myeloma
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Chronic osteomyelitis

# Primary amyloidosis - TRUE is:
A. 15% of cases have some form of plasma cell dyscrasias such as multiple myeloma
B. 70% of cases don't have any associated diseases
C. It is more common in heart, skin and skeletal diseases
D. All of the above

# Amyloidosis most commonly occurs in:
A. Kidney
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Heart

# Secondary amyloidosis is seen most commonly in:
A. Actinomycosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Rabies
D. Secondary lues

# Cross B-pleated sheet conformation of amyloidosis is determined by:
A. Electron microscopy
B. X ray crystallography
C. Light microscopy
D. Congo red stain

# Sago spleen is the term used to describe the gross appearance of spleen in:
A. Hypersplenism
B. Amyloidosis
C. Chronic myelocytic leukemia
D. Chronic malaria

# Amyloidosis is commonly associated with:
A. Chronic osteomyelitis
B. Periostitis
C. Acute osteomyelitis
D. Multiple myeloma

# The readily accessible site for biopsy to detect amyloidosis is:
A. Gingiva and tongue
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Kidney

# Amyloid deposits on tongue are seen in:
A. Parenchyma of muscle cells
B. Surface epithelial cells
C. Extracellular stromal connective tissue
D. Endothelial cells of blood vessels

# Metastatic calcifications result from increased blood calcium levels. So, it cannot be seen in:
A. Hypervitaminosis D
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Hypoparathyroidism
D. Milk-alkali syndrome

# Dystrophic calcification is not seen in:
A. Atherosclerosis and neurosis
B. Monckeberg's sclerosis and calcinosis cutis
C. Thrombosis and haematoma
D. Multiple myeloma

# Dystrophic calcifications are calcifications seen in:
A. Skin layers
B. Salivary glands
C. Normal tissues
D. Dead tissues

# Pathologic calcification is seen in:
A. Scleroderma
B. Lichen planus
C. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
D. Lupus erythematosus

# Which of the following postmortem changes are correctly matched?
A. Algor mortis - Cooling of dead bodies due to cessation of metabolic process
B. Rigor mortis - Muscuar rigidity developing after death
C. Livor mortis - Reddish purple discoloration of deep parts of body
D. All of the above

# The focal calcification seen in long standing granulomas not related to blood levels of calcium is seen in:
A. Metastatic calcification
B. Dystrophic calcification
C. Atrophic calcification
D. All of the above

# Which of the following is not true of metastatic calcification?
A. Blood levels of calcium are normal
B. Simultaneous involvement of many organs
C. There is deranged calcium metabolism
D. Calcium is deposited in normal living tissue

# Which of the following is true of dystrophic calcification?
A. Found in degenerating or dead diseased tissue
B. Calcium levels are normal
C. Only foci of lesion is involved
D. All of the above

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