

Marked salivary gland hypofunction

 # Stimulated whole salivary flow rate of less than _____ ml/min indicates marked salivary gland hypofunction. 
A. 0.6 
B. 0.7 
C. 0.8 
D. 0.9 

The correct answer is B. 0.7.

It is difficult to define absolute “normal” values for salivary output due to great interindividual variability and, consequently, a large range of normal values exists. About 0.3– 0.4 mL/min for unstimulated flow and 1.5–2.0 mL/min for stimulated flow are considered normal. Unstimulated whole
saliva flow rates of < 0.1 mL/min and stimulated whole saliva flow rates of < 0.7 mL/min are abnormally low and indicative of marked salivary gland hypofunction. Higher levels of output do not guarantee that function is normal, however, as they may represent marked hypofunction for some individuals. Therefore, these stated values represent a lower limit of normal and should serve only as a guide for the clinician.

Reference: Burket’s Oral Medicine, Thirteenth Edition

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