

What are the three successive prenatal phases in human development?

 # What are the three successive prenatal phases in human development?
A. Period of ovum, embryo, morula
B. Period of embryo, ovum, foetus
C. Period of ovum, embryo, foetus
D. Foetus, embryo, ovum

The correct answer is. C.  Period of ovum, embryo, and foetus.

The three successive prenatal phases in human development are:

Period of Ovum: This phase begins with fertilization, where the sperm penetrates the egg to form a zygote. The zygote then undergoes rapid cell division through mitosis, forming a ball of cells called a blastocyst.

Period of Embryo: During this phase, the blastocyst implants into the uterine wall and undergoes further development. The cells differentiate and specialize, forming the various tissues and organs of the developing embryo. This period generally extends from the third week to the eighth week of pregnancy.

Period of Fetus: This phase starts after the eighth week of pregnancy and continues until birth. The developing organism is now called a fetus. During this period, the organs continue to mature, and the fetus grows in size and complexity until it is ready for delivery.

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