

BPKIHS MCQs : Musculoskeletal System Past Questions MCQs 2000 May


1. The taste buds, composed of modified epithelial cells, in tongue have a varied distribution. In which part are these buds most numerous??
Foliate Papillae
Fungiform Papillae
Vallate Papillae
Central region of the dorsum of tongue

2. The infrahyoid group of muscles includes sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid , and omohyoid muscles. Which one of these muscles is supplied by fibers from the first cervical spinal nerve only?

3. Inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle arises from which part of the sphenoid bone ?
Infratemporal crest
Inferior surface of the greater wing
Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate

4. The upper quadrants of the macula of the retina project to which part of the visual cortex?
Posterior lower part
Anterior lower part
Posterior upper part
Anterior upper part

5. Which of the following muscles of the tongue is NOT supplied by the hypoglossal nerve ?

6. From which pharyngeal arch does the ear ossicle stapes develop ?

7. The roots of brachial plexus pass between which of the following muscles ?
Scalenus anterior and longus colli
Scalenus anterior and scalenus medius
Scalenus medius and scalenus posterior
Scalenus posterior and serratus anterior

8. Which layer of the deep cervical fascia covers the muscles of the floor of the posterior triangle of neck?
Prevertebral layer
Pretrachal layer
Investing layer
Carotid sheath

9. Which nerve supplies the muscle Platysma ?
Inferior alveolar
Ansa cervicalis
Transverse cervical of neck

10. The axons of the rods in retina end as:
Rod Pedicle
Rod spherule
Rod disc
Rod bulb

11. All of the following are correct about the normal contraction of skeletal muscle EXCEPT:
Motor nerve activation is necessary
Acetylcholine is quickly removed from N-M junction
Ca++ is released from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Myosin slides over actin

12.Increase in neuromuscular excitability is observed when there is:
High serum [Ca++]
High [H+]
Low [H+]
High [K+]

13. Motor nerve to skeletal muscle belongs to which of the following nerve fiber type:
Myelinated A - alpha
Myelinated A- beta
Myelinated A- delta
Non myelinated C

14. All of the following statements are correct regarding isometric contraction EXCEPT:
Maximum work is done
Maximum heat is generated
Normally occurs in our muscles
No change in muscle length is observed

15. Denervation of motor nerve may be associated with all of the following EXCEPT::
Flaccidity of the muscle
Decrease in ACh receptor
Loss of voluntary function

16. ATP is required for:
Contraction of muscle only
Relaxation of muscle only
For both contraction and relaxation
At resting state only

17. Adaptation of taste receptors is:
Not known to occur
A phenomenon which occurs rapidly at the peripheral receptor
Possible only in the taste sensations of “sweet” and “bitter”
A phenomenon which occurs in the central nuclei

18. Myopia is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
Concave lens in correcting glasses
Long eyeball
Powerful lens system
Parallel rays focus behind retina

19. Impairment of visual acuity in bright light may be due to all of the following EXCEPT:
Random light scattering
Impairment of rod function
Vit. A deficiency
Refractive error of the lens

20. Colour blindness:
Is the inability to detect one or more of the three primary colours
Involves neither the “red cones” nor the “green cones”
Is due to complete loss of rod function
Is much commoner in women than in men
21. The function of the malleus, incus, and stapes is to:
Increase the amplitude of movement of the stapes, as compared with the malleus
Provide impedance matching between the sound vibration in the air and in the fluid of the cochlea
Remove the possibility of a resonant frequency
Transmit all frequencies with equal attenuation

22. The common mechanism of secondary gout in the case of myeloproliferative disorder is:
Overproduction of uric acid
reduced renal clearance
inherited metabolic disorder
Breakdown of dietary nucleic acids

23. All the following phenomenon are the functions of calcium EXCEPT:
Neuromuscular excitation
Membrane transport
Blood coagulation
Protein synthesis

24. Swan neck deformity is seen in:
Rheumatoid arthritis

25. Osteomalacia is a disorder of bone involving abnormal:
Matrix formation

26. The following tumors are chondrogenic in histogenesis EXCEPT: