

Area of the lateral aspect of skull that overlies the anterior division of middle meningeal artery:

 # The area of the lateral aspect of skull that overlies the anterior division of middle meningeal artery is called:
(a) Bregma
(b) Asterion
(c) Pterion
(d) Inion

The correct answer is C. Pterion.

The region in the anterior part of the temporal fossa where four bones (frontal, parietal, squamous temporal, and greater wing of the sphenoid) meet to form an H-shaped suture is called pterion. It is situated 4 cm above the midpoint of the zygomatic arch.

The pterion overlies the anterior division of middle meningeal artery, which ruptures following a blow in this region to form an extradural hematoma (a clot formation between the skull bone and the dura mater). The clot, if big, may compress the brain leading to unconsciousness or even death. Therefore, it should be removed as early as possible by trephination or craniotomy.

Reference: TEXTBOOK OF ANATOMY HEAD, NECK AND BRAIN, Volume III, 2nd Edition Vishram Singh, Page No.  18

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