MCQs in Oral Pathology - Diseases of Microbial Origin

# Endotoxin is released from:
A. Candida albicans
B. Streptococcus sanguis
C. Gram negative bacteria
D. Actinomyces viscosus

# All of the following oral conditions can give rise to bacteremias, EXCEPT:
A. Extraction of tooth
B. Periodontitis
C. Endodontic therapy
D. Dentinal caries

# The most common extraoral cause of halitosis is:
A. Indigestion
B. Alcohol intake
C. Chronic sinusitis
D. Diabetes mellitus

# The typical triad of maxillary sinusitis are:
A. Nasal congestion, pathological secretion, Headache
B. Nasal congestion, trismus, epiphora
C. Nasal congestion, maxillary tooth pain, bloody discharge from the sinus
D. Nasal obstruction, headache, ear ache

Leutic Glossitis is caused by:

# Leutic glossitis is  an intraoral manifestation caused by:
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Treponema pallidium
D. Streptococcus

The correct answer is C. Treponema pallidium. 

Leutic glossitis or syphilitic glossitis is atrophic or interstitial glossitis due to tongue involvement by treponema. The importance of leutic glossitis is the chance of undergoing malignant transformation.

Advantage of Digital Radiography

# One advantage of digital radiography is:
A. All the teeth can be in a single film
B.  Highly economical
C. The radiographic images are obtained immediately
D. Pulpal vitality can be accurately assessed

The correct answer is: C. The radiographic images are obtained immediately.

Advantages of digital radiography are:
- direct display of the image which is dynamic rather than static
- less patient exposure due to greater sensitivity
- Elimination of the need of darkroom

Studying the movements of the tongue:

# Which of the following is useful for studying the movements of the tongue?
A. Angiography
B. Arthroscope
C. Fluoroscope
D. Sonography

The correct answer is C. Fluoroscope.

. It allows continuous viewing of a time-varying X-ray image and permits live visual examination of dynamic events.

- Modern fluoroscopy systems use an X-ray image intensifier, which converts the X-ray energy into visible light and is coupled optically to a television camera.

- The fluoroscopic image is viewed on a cathode-ray tube video monitor, located either in the fluoroscopy room beside the patient, or else in a remote location.

MCQs on Pulp and Periapical Pathology

# Most cases of pulpitis are caused by:
A. Injudicious cavity preparation
B. Excessive heat incident to dry polishing of restorations
C. Bacterial invasion from a carious lesion
D. Bacterial invasion from the blood stream

# Odontalgia that is occasionally typical in hypertensive patients is a result of:
A. Headache radiating to the teeth
B. Nervous tension and worry
C. Hyperemia of pulp resulting from increased blood pressure
D. Abnormal situation of the sympathetic nerve system

MCQs on Virology - Microbiology MCQs

# A microorganism is described as smallest living organism, filterable submicroscopic and obligatory parasite. We are talking about:
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Protozoans

# Which of the following is characteristic only of viruses?
A. They are intracellular organisms
B. They affect the production of interferon and are sensitive to it
C. They reproduce by binary fission
D. They can be grown on an inanimate media

# Viruses can be isolated from clinical samples by cultivation in the following EXCEPT:
A. Tissue culture
B. Embryonated eggs
C. Animals
D. Chemically defined media

# All of the following are true for identification of viruses EXCEPT:
A. Nature of viral nucleic acid
B. Ability to be grown on differential media
C. Neutralisation with specific antisera makes antiviral vaccines a possibility
D. Nature of protein coat

Nepal Standard Classification of Occupation (NSCO)

Nepal Standard Classification of Occupation (NSCO)
(Used for recording responses to questions 41, 57, 90, 104, 119 and 129)

111 Legislators
112 Government officials
114 Officials of special interest organizations
121 Directors and chief executives
122 Production and operations department managers
123 Other department managers
131 General managers/managing proprietors

211 Physicists, chemists and related professionals
212 Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals
213 Computing professionals
214 Architects, engineers and related professionals
221 Life science professionals
222 Health professionals, except nursing
223 Nursing and midwifery professionals
231 College, university and higher education teaching professionals
232 Secondary education teaching professionals
233 Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals
234 Special education teaching professionals
235 Other teaching professionals
241 Business professionals
242 Legal professionals
243 Archivists, librarians and related information professionals
244 Social science and related professionals
245 Writers and creative or performing artists
246 Religious professionals

311 Physical and engineering science technicians
312 Computer associate professionals
313 Optical and electronic equipment operators
314 Aircraft controllers and technicians
315 Safety and quality inspectors
321 Life science technicians and related associate professionals
322 Modern health associate professional, except nursing
323 Nursing and midwifery associate professionals
324 Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers
331 Primary education teaching associate professionals
332 Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals
333 Special education teaching associate professionals
334 Other teaching associate professionals
341 Finance and sales associate professionals
342 Business services agent and trade brokers
343 Administrative associate professionals
344 Customs, tax and related government associate professionals
345 Police inspectors and detectives
346 Social work associate professionals
347 Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals
348 Religious associate professionals

411 Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks/assistants
412 Numerical clerks/office assistants
413 Material-recording and transport clerks/office assistants
414 Library, mail and related clerks/office assistants
419 Other office clerks/assistants
421 Cashiers, tellers and related clerks/office assistants
422 Client information clerks/office assistants

511 Travel attendants and related workers
512 Housekeeping and restaurant services workers
513 Personal care and related workers
514 Other professional services workers
515 Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers
516 Protective service workers
521 Fashion and other models
522 Shop salespersons and demonstrators
523 Stall and market salespersons

611 Market-oriented gardeners and crop growers
612 Market-oriented animal producers and related workers
613 Market-oriented crop and animal producers
614 Forestry and related workers
615 Fishery workers
621 Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers

711 Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers
712 Building frame and related trades workers
713 Building finishers and related trades workers
714 Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades workers
721 Metal moulders, welders, sheet-metal workers, structural-metal preparer
722 Blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers
723 Machinery mechanics and fitters
724 Electrical and electronic equipment mechanics and fitters
731 Precision workers in metal and related materials
732 Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers
733 Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related materials
734 Printing and related trades workers
741 Food processing and related trades workers
742 Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related traders workers
743 Textile, garment and related trades workers
744 Pelt, leather and shoe making trades workers

811 Mining and mineral-processing plant operators
812 Metal-processing-plant operators
813 Glass, ceramics and relative plant operators
814 Wood-processing and papermaking-plant operators
815 Chemical-processing-plant operators
816 Power-production and related plant operators
817 Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators
821 Metal and mineral products machine operators
822 Chemical-products machine operators
823 Rubber and plastic products machine operators
824 Wood-products machine operators
825 Printing, binding and paper products machine operators
826 Textile, fur and leather-products machine operators
827 Food and related products machine operators
828 Assemblers
829 Other machine operators and assemblers
831 Locomotive-engine drivers and related workers
832 Motor vehicle drivers
833 Agricultural and other mobile-plant operators

911 Street vendors and related workers
912 Shoe cleaning and other street services elementary occupations
913 Domestic and related helpers, cleaners and launderers
914 Building caretakers, windows and related cleaners
915 Messengers, porters, doorkeepers and related workers
916 Garbage collectors and related labourers
921 Agricultural, fishery and related labourers
931 Mining and construction labourers
932 Manufacturing labourers
933 Transport labourers and freight handlers
997 Household work (special code)
998 Student (special code)
999 Not working (special code)

011 Armed forces