

Which of the following cranial nerves functions in mastication and sensory for the face and mouth?

 # Which of the following cranial nerves functions in mastication and sensory for the face and mouth? 
a. Trigeminal. 
b. Facial. 
c. Glossopharyngeal. 
d. Hypoglossal.

The correct answer is A. Trigeminal.

The trigeminal nerve functions in mastication and sensory for the face and mouth. The facial nerve functions in muscles of facial expression, controlling secretion of tears and saliva, and taste (anterior two thirds of the tongue).
The glossopharyngeal nerve functions in taste (posterior one third of tongue), salivary  secretion, carotid blood pressure, sensory posterior one third of tongue, and stylopharyngeus muscle. The hypoglossal nerve provides motor function to tongue muscles (except palatoglossal).

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