Refractory periodontitis is aggravated by:

Refractory periodontitis is aggravated by:
A. Areca nut chewing
B. Smoking
C. Menstruation
D. Hormone PG and oestrogen

The correct answer is B. Smoking.

The impact of cigarette smoking on the long-term effects of periodontal therapy in a population undergoing Supportive Periodontal Therapy (SPT) has been reported. Smokers displayed less favorable healing responses both at re-evaluation and during a 6-year period of SPT (Baumert-Ah et al. 1994). This was confirmed in another study in which higher percentages of heavy smokers experienced more multiple (≥9) residual pockets (≥5 mm) than non-smokers both after active periodontal therapy (31.2% versus 7.3%, respectively) and after 11 years of SPT (52.4% versus 14.8%, respectively) (Matuliene et al. 2008). In this study, heavy smoking was found to be a significant risk factor for periodontitis progression. Moreover, smoking was the main statistically significant risk factor for the recurrence of periodontitis after 10.5 years of SPT in the 84 patients with periodontitis stage IV, grade C. More than half of the current smokers in this study showed a recurrence of disease at re-examination and had a ten-fold increased risk for a relapse compared with non-smokers (Bäumer et al. 2011).

Reference: Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 7th Edition

After curettage, re-epithelialization occurs in:

# After curettage, re-epithelialization occurs in:
A. 1-2 days
B. 2-3 days
C. 2-7 days
D. Two weeks

The correct answer is C. 2-7 days.

Immediately after curettage, a blood clot fills the pocket area, which is totally or partially devoid of epithelial lining. Hemorrhage is also present in the tissues with dilated capillaries and abundant polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which appear on the wound surface. This is followed by a rapid proliferation of granulation tissue with a decrease in the number of small blood vessels as the tissue matures.

The restoration and epithelialization of the sulcus generally require 2 to 7 days, and restoration of the junctional epithelium occurs in animals as early as 5 days after treatment. Immature collagen fibers appear within 21 days. Healthy gingival fibers that are inadvertently severed from the tooth and tears in the epithelium are repaired during the healing process. 

With the increase of age, keratinization of gingiva:

 # With the increase of age, keratinization of gingiva:
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains same
D. None of the above

The correct answer is B. Decreases.

Thinning and decreased keratinization of the gingival epithelium have been reported with age. The significance of these findings could mean an increase in epithelial permeability to bacterial antigens, a decreased resistance to functional trauma, or both contributing to increased vulnerability of the gingiva to trauma and periodontal disease in older adults.

First to band the teeth for active tooth movements

 # Who was the first to band the teeth for active tooth movements?
A. Pierre Fauchard 
B. Henry A. Baker
C. William and Magill 
D. Emerson C. Angel

The correct answer is C. William and Magill.

Use of finger pressure to align irregular teeth

 # Who advocated the use of finger pressure to align irregular teeth?
A. Edward Hartley Angle
B. Calvin Case
C. Aulius Cornelius Celsius
D. PR Begg

The correct answer is C. Aulius Cornelius Celcius.

Aulius Cornelius Celsus (25 BC–50 AD) described finger pressure to move teeth in his work “De Re Medicina.”

Founder of Modern Dentistry

 # Who is the founder of modern dentistry?
A. Edward H angle
B. Norman Kingsley
C. Aulius Cornelius Celsius
D. Pierre Fauchard

The correct answer is: D. Pierre Fauchard.

Pierre Fauchard (January 2, 1679 – March 21, 1761) was a French physician, credited as being the "father of modern dentistry". He is widely known for writing the first complete scientific description of dentistry, Le Chirurgien Dentiste ("The Surgeon Dentist"), published in 1728. The book described basic oral anatomy and function, signs and symptoms of oral pathology, operative methods for removing decay and restoring teeth, periodontal disease (pyorrhea), orthodontics, replacement of missing teeth, and tooth transplantation. 

Bilateral balanced occlusion concept is given by:

 # Bilateral balanced occlusion concept is given by:
A. Von Spee and Monson
B. GV Black
C.  D Van
D. Sturdevant

The correct answer is A. Von Spee and Monson.

This is a type of occlusion that is seen when simultaneous contact occurs on both sides in centric and eccentric positions. Bilateral balanced occlusion helps to distribute the occlusal load evenly across the arch and therefore helps to improve stability of the denture during centric, eccentric or parafunctional movements. For minimal occlusal balance, there should be at least three points of contact on the occlusal plane. More the number of contacts, better the balance. Bilateral balanced occlusion can be protrusive or lateral balance.

There are two types of compensating curves namely:
• Anteroposterior curves
• Lateral curves

Curve of Spee, Wilson’s curve and Monson’s curve are associated only with natural dentition. In complete dentures compensating curves similar to these curves should be incorporated to produce balanced occlusion.