MCQs on Cysts and Tumors - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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# Which of the following is not an advantage of marsupialization?
A. Exposure of very little bone
B. Preservation of vital structure
C. Rapid healing
D. Conserve surgical sutures

# Needle aspiration of a central bone lesion is useful:
A. to rule out a vascular lesion
B. to determine thickness of buccal plate
C. to diagnose traumatic bone cyst
D. to feel root surfaces

# Which of the following surgery is indicated for the removal of the 3 cm ameloblastoma involving the inferior border of the mandible?
A. Enucleation
B. Fulguration
C. Cryosurgery
D. Resection

# The aspirate from a keratocyst will have:
A. a low soluble protein content
B. a high soluble protein content
C. Cholesterol crystal
D. inflammatory cells

# An empty cavity in the mandible with no lining is most likely to be :
A. Aneurysmal bone cyst
B. Idiopathic bone cavity
C. Dentigerous cyst
D. Keratocyst

# A 14 year old boy has delayed eruption of the second molar. Radiography shows a dentigerous cyst surrounding the crown of the tooth. The treatment of choice is:
A. Extraction of the molar
B. Aspiration of the cyst
C. Observe
D. Expose the crown and keep it exposed

# Expected surgical procedure most frequently indicated for odontogenic cysts is:
A. Incision and drainage
B. Sclerosing solution
C. Marsupialization
D. Enucleation

# The cyst is deroofed and the surrounding periosteum is sutured to the margins of the cyst wall in:
A. Decortication
B. Marsupialization
C. Saucerization
D. Enucleation

# Ameloblastoma is best managed by:
A. Chemotherapy
B. Radiotherapy
C. Gene Therapy
D. Surgical excision

# The most appropriate method to differentiate between a dentigerous cyst and an ameloblastoma is through:
A. Radiographic examination
B. Aspiration cytology
C. Microscopic examination
D. Clinical features

# Treatment of fibrous dysplasia is:
A. Radical resection of the lesion
B. Radiation therapy
C. If the lesion is small, dissection is done. If the lesion is large, cosmetic surgery has to be carried out.
D. Cryosurgery

# A man has 1*1.5cm pedunculated lesion on the soft palate which has a rough, warty surface but is the same color as adjacent mucosa. Appropriate management of this lesion is to:
A. Perform an incisional therapy
B. Perform excisional biopsy
C. Scrape for exfoliative cytology
D. Observe for two weeks

# When treated with simple curettage, which odontogenic tumor is most likely to recur?
A. Complex odontoma
B. Compound odontoma
C. Odontogenic myxoma
D. Ameloblastic fibroma

# Odontoma is treated by:
A. Excision
B. Resection
C. Curettage
D. Radiotherapy

# Treatment of ameloblastoma:
A. Excision of tumor
B. Resection of the mandible along with the tumor
C. Incisional biopsy and marsupialization
D. No active treatment is necessary

# Best treatment of the large cyst:
A. Enucleation
B. Marsupialization
C. Marsupialization followed by Enucleation
D. Enucleation followed by Marsupialization

# A 5 cm suspicious looking lesion of oral mucosa should be:
A. Incised and sent for biopsy
B. Excised and sent for biopsy
C. Irradiated
D. Offered palliative treatment

# Biopsy specimens removed for examinations are immediately placed in:
A. 10% ethanol
B. 10% formalin
C. Hydrogen peroxide
D. 1% formalin

# Protein content of less than 4mg/ml is seen in:
A. Dentigerous cyst
B. Periapical abscess
C. Keratocyst
D. Periodontal cyst

# Enucleation of palatal tumor results in:
A. Excessive bleeding from nasopalatine vessels
B. Tearing of nasal mucosa
C. Damage to nasopalatine nerve
D. Alteration of speech

# Adeno ameloblastoma treatment:
A. Enbloc resection of maxilla
B. Marsupialization
C. Enucleation
D. No treatment

# Odontogenic tumors just 1 cm away from lower border:
A. Enbloc resection
B. Hemimandibulectomy
C. Enucleation
D. No treatment

# Marsupialization is the procedure done in:
A. large cyst
B. periodontal cyst
C. Aneurysmal bone cyst
D. Stafne cyst

# Treatment of fibrous dysplasia in a young 25 years old patient involving maxilla is best treated by:
A. Enbloc resection
B. Cosmetic contouring
C. Maxillary resection
D. Radiation therapy

# Submandibular calculus can be removed by:
A. Dilatation of the duct
B. Excision of the opening of duct
C. Removal of the gland
D. Incision of the duct and removal of calculus

# During surgical excision of the parotid gland, the following structures may be damaged:
A. lesser occipital nerve, hypoglossal nerve, chorda tympani
B. Facial nerve and auriculotemporal nerve
C. Submandibular duct
D. Cervical fascia

# Salivary calculus is more common in:
A. Submandibular gland
B. Sublingual gland
C. Parotid gland
D. Minor salivary gland

# During removal of a parotid tumour, the auriculotemporal nerve is injured. This could result in:
A. Facial paralysis
B. Trigeminal neuralgia
C. Gustatory sweating
D. Orolingual Paresthesia

# Submandibular duct is exposed via intraoral approach by incising the:
A. Buccinator
B. Mucous membrane
C. Masseter
D. All of the above

# Excision of the submandibular gland for calculus or tumours is done by incision below angle of the jaw. Special care should be taken to avoid which nerve?
A. Ansa cervicalis
B. Mandibular branch of facial nerve
C. Posterior auricular nerve
D. Submandibular ganglion

# Treatment of solitary Langerhans histiocytoma of mandbile is by:
A. Curettage
B. Radiotherapy
C. No treatment need
D. Chemotherapy

# Treatment of mucocele on lower lip:
A. Incision
B. Excision
C. Excision with adjacent glands
D. Biopsy

# Which of the following detects salivary gland duct diverticuli:
A. Ultrasonography
B. Plain radiography
C. Sialography
D. Xeroradiography

# A specimen for a biopsy should be taken from:
A. Necrotic area
B. Subdermal layer
C. Border of an ulcerated area
D. Center of an ulcerated area

# Apical cyst having a direct connection with apical foramen have been termed as:
A. Residual
B. Bay
C. Paradental
D. Collateral

# Carnoy's solution is used in the treatment of:
A. Odontogenic keratocyst
B. Ameloblastoma
C. Dentigerous cyst
D. Mucocele

# Enbloc resection of the segment of the bone:
A. Complete resection of the jaw bone
B. Resection of half of the affected jaw
C. Resection of the tumour only
D. The entire tumor removed intact with a rim of uninvolved bone while maintaining continuity of jaw

# Which of the following substances is filled in the bone cavity after enucleation of a cyst:
A. Hydroxyapatite
B. Autogenous cortical bone chips
C. Autogenous medullary bone chips
D. Allogenic bone chips

# A cyst can be differentiated from granuloma by:
A. Radioopaque dyes
B. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
C. Biopsy
D. All of the above

# Chemical cauterization in odontogenic keratocyst is done by:
A. Hydrogen peroxide
B. Carnoy's solution
C. Superoxide solution
D. Betadine

# During surgery on the submandibular gland:
A. Damage to the lingual nerve will cause loss of sensation to the posterior third of the tongue
B. The submandibular gland is seen to wrap around the posterior border of the mylohyoid
C. The facial artery and vein are usually divided as they course through the deep part of the gland.
D. The hypoglossal nerve is seen to loop under the submandibular duct

# Following gland is removed in surgery for a ranula:
A. Submandibular gland
B. Sublingual gland
C. Parotid gland
D. Lacrimal gland

# Treatment of calculus within the submandibular salivary gland is:
A. Removal of sinus
B. Removal of the gland
C. Dichotomy
D. Milking of the stone

# The plunging ranula is so called because of:
A. its size
B. lifting of tongue
C. Extension through mylohyoid
D. Involvement of lingual nerve

# SCC present on lateral margin of tongue of staging T2N0, options of treatment is:
A. SONHD (Supraomohyoid neck dissections)
B. Remove lymph node I-II along with
C. Remove lymph node I-V along with
D. Remove lymph node I-IV along with

# In composite excision of tumor according to Gold, Upton and Marx, there is:
A. Resection of tumor with entire wound
B. Resection of tumor leaving the marginal bone intact
C. Resection of tumor with unaffected neighbouring tissue
D. Resection of tumor with wide margins excision


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