MCQs in Fixed Partial Dentures - Principles of Tooth Preparation

# The average root surface area of maxillary first molar is (in mm2):
A. 133
B. 233
C. 333
D. 433

# The average root surface area (mm2) of the maxillary second premolar is:
A. 234
B. 220
C. 273
D. 204

MCQs on Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics - Orthodontics MCQs

# Space maintainers are usually needed in the:
A. Mandibular primary incisor teeth area
B. Mandibular primary canine teeth area
C. Mandibular primary second molar area
D. Maxillary primary incisor area

# The term space maintenance refers to:
A. the preservation of space for a permanent tooth in a child's mouth
B. the preservation of total arch length or of all the permanent teeth in the arch in a child's mouth
C. the preservation of mesial drift after the loss of a tooth
D. none of the above

Head and Neck Cancer : Risk Factors and Prevention

Due  to  widespread  screening services  more and more cases of the dreadful cancer are being recorded. Cancer represents Australia’s greatest disease burden, ahead of cardiovascular disease. Cancer is a disease associated with ageing. With the number of people aged over 65 years set to double by 2051, cancer incidence is projected to continue rising. (Ref : 1)

Current evidence indicates that approximately one-third of cancer deaths in Australia can be attributed to known and avoidable risk factors. Appropriate prevention strategies have the potential to reduce cancer incidence.

MCQs in Endodontics - Disinfection and Obturation

# Obturation of a root canal should achieve:
A. Tug back
B. Hermetic seal
C. Fluid free seal
D. All of the above

# The purpose of a root canal sealer is to:
A. seal the tubules of the dentine
B. stimulate healing in periapical region
C. prevent discoloration
D. fill the space between solid core material and pulp canal walls