Kantipur Dental College - General Medicine - Pre- Board Examination, December 2018

Kantipur Dental College
BDS Program
Pre- Board Examination, December 2018

Subject: General Medicine (New Course)        Level : BDS Third Year 
Time: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes     
Full Marks: 50

SECTION 'B' - 25 Marks

1. Discuss about the clinical features, complications, investigations and treatment and prophylaxis of Malarial fever.  [1+1+1+2+1=6]

2. Discuss the etiology, clinical features of Infective Endocarditis. Add a note on dental prophylaxis. [1+1+3=5]

3. Enumerate the risk factors and complications of Essential Hypertension. Discuss the management of acute severe asthma.[1+1+3=5]

4. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a. Clinical Features and Treatment of Pneumonia
b. Portal Hypertension
c. Bacillary Dysentery: Management and prevention

[Section 'C' 25 marks]
5. Define and classify anemias. A 17 year old gives history of bleeding gums and menorrhagia. Her platelet count is 15000/mm3. Bone marrow examination shows increased megakaryocytes. How would treat this case? [0.5+1.5+4=6]

6. Define normal Erythropoiesis. Differentiate nephrotic and nephritic syndrome. [2+3=5]

7. Discuss the clinical features and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Mention micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes mellitus. [2+3=5]

8. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a. Trigeminal Neuralgia
b. Rickets
c. Anaphylactic shock

Post Dental Extraction Care for Speed Recovery - Healing of Extraction socket

Dental extraction is one of the most feared treatments. It is the treatment that can be attributed for all the dental phobia and people hating dentists. Because pain is anticipated and the threshold of pain tolerance is lowered much. But, when performed under appropriate local anesthesia, Dental Extractions are completely painless procedures.

Another reason people fear dental extraction is that they are left with an open wound and empty socket that is often painful after the effect of local anesthetic wears off and the numbness of the tongue and lips disappear. So, they are instructed by the operating dentist to take a tablet of analgesic (usually NSAID- Ibuprofen 400 mg or Paracetamol 500 mg) which will start showing its effect before the effect of local anesthetic wears off.

Here are some of the things you can do to heal your extraction socket faster. To make things more retentive, Let's tabulate them into DOs and DON'Ts.

Things TO Do:
1. Press hard on the gauze piece for half an hour to apply sufficient pressure on the socket and stop bleeding allowing the formation of blood clot. Minimize speaking for up to 3-4 hours.

2. Take one tablet of Ibuprofen 400 mg or Paracetamol 500 mg immediately after removing the gauze piece. This will alleviate the pain.

3. Take only soft foods for a few days. Eat foods only after cooling them. Excessive hot foods will dissolve the clot and initiate fresh bleeding.

4. Maintain good oral hygiene and brush teeth as usual. But, do not brush over the extraction socket directly.

5. Rinse gently with lukewarm saltwater thrice daily for up to 5-7 days after extraction for lowering the bacterial load and minimizing the chances of infection of the wound site.

Things NOT TO DO:
1. Do not smoke or chew tobacco or drink alcohol for at least 7 days. Smoking will create negative pressure and dislodge the clot which induces fresh bleeding and increases the tendency to have a dry socket which is very painful. It will decrease blood flow and delay healing of the socket.

2. Do not spit for 2-3 days. Swallow all the saliva.

3. Don't eat hard or sticky foods, don't sip beverages with a straw and don't play the wound area with tongue. All these will dislodge the clot.

4. Do not do vigorous exercise for a few days.

It is normal to have some blood-tinged saliva for up to 24 hours. Don't freak out if you notice any. If excessive fresh bleeding continues even after hours, take a clean gauze piece / clean cotton handkerchief and bite on it firmly over the socket for half an hour to control the bleeding.

Contact or visit your dentist if an emergency occurs.

If you take care of the infection and follow these instructions carefully, you will have a speedy recovery from the dental extraction and healing of the extraction socket is uneventful.

KUSMS BDS III General Medicine Pre University Exam SAQ and MEQ Past Questions December 2018

Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences
BDS Program
Pre-University Examination, December 2018

Subject: General Medicine        Level : BDS III (New Course)
Time: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes                                                                Date: 9th Dec, 2018
Full Marks: 50

  • Answer each section in a separate answer book.
  • Write brief, relevant and legible answers.
  • Illustrate your answers with well-labeled diagrams wherever required.
  • All questions are compulsory.

SECTION 'B' - 25 Marks

1. A 17 years old boy, presented with high fever, shortness of breath and palpitation. On examination, he was pale and heart murmur was audible.  [1+3+2=6]
a. What is your likely diagnosis?
b. What investigations will you do to confirm the diagnosis?
c. How will you manage him?

2. How do you diagnose bronchial asthma? Write down the treatment of acute severe asthma. [2+3=5]

3. What is septic shock? How do  you manage? [1+4=5]

4. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a. Treatment of Malaria
b. Acute viral hepatitis
c. Dysentery

[Section 'C' 25 marks]
5. A 15 years old lady presented with the history of gum bleeding and repeated respiratory tract infections. On examination, she was pale with splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. [2+4=6]
a. What are your likely differential diagnosis?
b. What investigations will you do to confirm the diagnosis?

6. How do you diagnose Diabetes mellitus? Enumerate the complications of diabetes. [2+3=5]

7. What are the causes and management of hypovolemic shock? [2+3=5]

8. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a. Anti-hypertensive drugs
b. Corticosteroids
c. Acute renal failure

Unemployment in Dentistry - Poor Pay, More Working Hours

Unemployment or joblessness is the situation of actively looking for employment but not being currently employed. There are many types of unemployment out of which let's see some forms of unemployment that is prevalent in dentistry. Unemployment can be voluntary, i.e. a person does not take a job because he is not satisfied with the salary and benefits he will be receiving in proportion to the working hours. There are jobs available, but the pay is too little, say Rs. 15000-20000 per month for a dentist. This is a situation of voluntary unemployment. And there may be relative unemployment too, which is a person who could get a job offer of Rs. 50,000 per month is doing Rs. 20,000 per month job due to unavailability of the job and is actively searching for some job with better pay. The person has qualification for a better job but is forced to settle for less. This situation is not absolute unemployment but is called relative unemployment.