Dens evaginatus is most commonly found in:

 # Dens evaginatus is most commonly found in:
A. Premolar
B. Lateral incisor
C. Canine
D. Molar

The correct answer is A. Premolar.

Dens evaginatus or leong's premolar or evaginated odontome or occlusal tuberculated premolar is a developmental condition that appears as an accessory cusp or a globule of enamel between the buccal and lingual cusps of premolars, unilaterally or bilaterally, though it had been known to rarely occur on molars, cuspids and incisors.

Which of the following lesions/conditions is not caused by virus?

 # Which of the following lesions/conditions is not caused by virus?
A. Koplik’s spots
B. Herpetiform ulcers
C. Herpes labialis
D. Ramsay-Hunt syndrome

The correct answer is B. Herpetiform ulcers.

Koplik's spots are seen in the buccal mucosa in patients with measles, which is an infection caused by paramyxovirus. Herpes labialis is caused by the herpes simplex virus and Ramsay-Hunt syndrome is due to herpes zoster of the geniculate ganglion. Herpetiform ulcers are a type of aphthous ulcer and are not caused by a virus. Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaetal bacterium, and is spread via ticks. 

Which of the following does not cause oral cancer in children?

 # Which of the following does not cause oral cancer in children?
A. Herpes simplex
B. Epstein barr
C. Cytomegalovirus
D. Varicella zoster

The correct answer is D. Varicella zoster.

HSV has been possibly associated with hit and run mechanism in oral cancer causation. Epstein barr virus causes African jaw lymphoma, CMV possibly is associated with Kaposi's sarcoma. Hence Herpes zoster is the best option. 

Osteoblastic secondaries are present in which carcinoma?

 # Osteoblastic secondaries are present in which carcinoma?
A. Carcinoma lung
B. Carcinoma breast
C. Carcinoma urinary bladder
D. Carcinoma prostate

The correct answer is D. Carcinoma prostate.

Although most of such metastases produce osteolytic lesions and thus appear as a radiolucency, certain tumors produce osteoblastic lesions or lesions and are most often associated with carcinoma of the prostate, and occasionally, of the breast and lung. 

Most common complication of mumps is:

 # Most common complication of mumps is:
A. Myocarditis
B. Orchitis
C. Uveitis
D. Conjunctivitis

The correct answer is B. Orchitis.

Mumps is characterized by triad of pathological involvement- epidemic parotitis, orchitis-oophoritis, and pancreatitis. Meningoencephalitis, epididymitis, and encephalitis are other complications of mumps. When mumps involves adult male, orchitis is a great danger. Involvement of pancreas causes an increase in serum lipase enzyme.

PGCEE MDS 2022: Sicca complex is associated with:

 # Sicca complex is associated with:
A. Primary Sjogren’s syndrome
B. Secondary Sjogren’s syndrome
C. Peutz Jeghers syndrome
D. Plummer Vinson Syndrome

The correct answer is A. Primary Sjogren's syndrome.

Primary Sjogren's syndrome (Sicca complex)
- When the disease affects only salivary and lacrimal glands without other co-existing systemic autoimmune diseases, it is called primary Sjogren's syndrome or Sicca complex. Primary Sjogren's syndrome is also referred to as "sicca syndrome" in which dry mouth (xerostomia) and dry eyes (xerophthalmia or keratoconjunctivitis sicca) are the principal features. 

Secondary Sjogren's syndrome 
Secondary sjogren's syndrome characteristically has xerostomia, xerophthalmia and an associated autoimmune connective tissue disease, usually the rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, scleroderma, polyarteritis nodosa etc. Patients with sicca complex and Sjogren's syndrome have sera antisalivary duct antibody. In addition, They are found to be associated with the HLA system, specifically HLA-DR3 and HLA-B8 which are associated with primary form of the disease and HLA-DRw52 is seen to be associated with both the forms of Sjogren's syndrome. 

Mobility of teeth in carcinoma of maxillary sinus is due to involvement of

 # Mobility of teeth in carcinoma of maxillary sinus is due to involvement of ___________ by tumor.
A. Anterior wall of the sinus
B. Posterior wall of the sinus
C. Roof of the sinus
D. Floor of the sinus

The correct answer is D. Floor of the sinus.

The clinical features of the neoplasm depend on the direction of spread of the neoplasm or the involvement of the surrounding structures. The floor of the sinus is associated with oral structures like mobility of teeth. Medial wall involvement causes nasal obstruction. Superior wall involvement produces displacement of the eyes. Lateral wall involvement produces bulging of the cheek.