MCQs in Microbiology - Virology Part 2

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is: (KAR-2000)
a) Aphthous stomatitis
b) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
c) Herpetic gingivostomatitis
d) Tuberculosis

# In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started: (AP-2004)
a) Influenza
b) Poliomyelitis
c) Herpes
d) Rabies

# Presence of HBe Ag in patients with hepatitis indicates -
a) Carrier status
b) Late Convalescence
c) Simple carriers
d) High infectivity

# True about HIV are all except -
a) Decrease CD4 count in late stages
b) Macrophages are the reservoir
c) DNA virus
d) Attacks CD4 cells

# The HIV virus can be destroyed invitro by which of the following
a) Ethanol
b) Cidex
c) Boiling
d)All of them

# Hepatitis C virus belongs to which one of the following virus groups? (COMEDK-05)
a) Herpes viruses
b) Hepadna viruses
c) Flavi viruses
d) Picorna viruses

# Which of the following represents the serologic evidence of recent Hepatitis B virus infection during "window" period? (KAR-04)
a) None of them
b) HBs Ag
c) IgM anti - HBc
d) Anti HBs

# Baby born to mother suffering from AIDS, all are true except: (KAR-99)
a) 50% chances to have AIDS
b) Have infections
c) Failure to thrive
d) All are true

# EBV causes all except -
a) Burkitt's lymphoma
b) Carcinoma of nasopharynx
c) Infectious mononucleosis
d) Papilloma

# ELISA is: (KAR-98)
a) A name of a scientist
b) A radiologic procedure
c) A pioneer in dentistry
d) An enzymatic immune reaction

# The presence of which of the following factors in viruses makes protective vaccines a possibility: (APPSC-99)
a) Lipids
b) Polysaccharide
c) Enzymes
d) Protein coat 

# Which of the following is a RNA virus? (AP-05)
a) Papavo virus
b) Adeno virus
c) Herpes virus
d) Measles virus

# Rabies virus: (AP-2002)
a) Cytotropic
b) Dermatotropic
c) Neurotropic
d) Chromophilic

# Most common tumor associated with AIDS is(KAR-04)
a) Kaposi's sarcoma
b) Ewing's sarcoma
c) Carcinoma
d) Melanoma

# Seroconversion in HIV infection takes place in:
a) 12 weeks
b) 4 weeks
c) 9 weeks
d) 2 weeks

# Which of the following exposure carries the maximum risk of transmission of HIV:
a) Transplacental
b) Sexual intercourse
c) Needle prick
d) Blood transfusion

# Serological study for prevalence of Hepatitis B is best done by:
a) Core antigen
b) Core antibody
c) Surface antibody
d) Surface antigen

# ELISA test when compared to western blot technique is:
a) Less sensitive, less specific
b) More sensitive, more specific
c) More sensitive, less specific
d) Less sensitive, more specific

# Characteristic feature of retrovirus is: (AIPG-10)
a) Ribonuclease
b) Restriction endonuclease
c) Reverse transcriptase
d) DNA polymerase

# Which of the following does not go into chronic hepatitis stage?
a) HEV
b) HDV
c) HCV
d) HBV

# The word German Measles is applied for: (AP-08)
a) Rubella
b) Herpetic gingivostomatitis
c) Herpes simplex
d) Rubeola

# A young pregnant woman presents with fulminant hepatic failure. The most likely etiological agent is: (AIPG-2011)
a) Hepatitis E virus
b) Hepatitis B virus
c) Hepatitis A virus
d) Hepatitis C virus

# The small non-particulate protein leading to enhanced replication of H8V as well as HIV is: (KCET-07)
a) HBs Ag
b) HBx Ag
c) Hbe Ag
d) HBc Ag

# What is the sequence, which a retro virus follows on entering a host cell?

#  Patients with organ transplants are most frequently infected with:
a) CMV
b) Hepatitis B
c) EBV
d) Hepatitis A

# The virus which causes Aplastic anemia in chronic hemolytic disease is:
a) Hepatitis
b) Parvo virus
c) Adeno
d) EB virus

# Viral action is differentiated from bacterial action by: (AIPG-07)
a) Interferon production
b) Neutrophils production
c) Toxin production
d) Lymphocytes production

# Which of the following viruses appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma? (KCET-07)
a) Human Herpes Virus 8
b) Human Herpes Virus 1
c) Human Herpes Virus 4
d) Human Herpes Virus 3

# Filters used to purify air in biological safety cabinets? (AIPG-14)
a) Berkfield filters
b) Millipore/Porcelain filters
c) HEPA (High efficiency particulate air)
d) Sietz filters 

# Which of the following viruses produces both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies: (AIPG-09)
a) Measles
b) Small pox
c) Chicken pox
d) Rabies

# EBV is responsible for all except: (KAR-04)
a) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
b) Infectious mononucleosis
c) Hepatoma
d) Burkitt's lymphoma

# Commonest mode of AIDS transmission in India is by:
a) Heterosexual promiscuity
b) Homosexual promiscuity
c) IV drug abuse
d) Vertical transmission

# Type of human papilloma virus associated with carcinoma cervix:
a) Type 6,12,18
b) 16,18,31
c) 6,8,11
d) 3,10,19

# Salivary protein, which prevents transmission of human immunodeficiency virus via saliva, is: (COMEDK-2011)
a) Histidine rich proteins
b) Salivary leukocyte proteinase inhibitor
c) Secretory IgA
d) Sialoperoxidase

# Mark true in following: (AIPG-09)
a) Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is caused by inhalation of rodent urine and feces
b) Lyssa virus is transmitted by ticks
c) None
d) Kyasanur forest disease is caused by bite of wild animal.

# Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) usually occurs when CD4 Lymphocyte counts are: (COMEDK-09)
a) Between 1000-2000
b) Above 600
c) Above 2000
d) Below 200

# The only group A arbovirus causing epidemic disease in India:
a) Kyasanur forest disease
b) Chandipura
c) Chikungunya
d) Dengue

# Presence of HBe Ag in patients with hepatitis indicates:
a) High infectivity
b) Simple carriers
c) Carrier status
d) Late convalescence

# Babu, a 28 yr old male comes with complaint of exposure 3 wks back, having cervical Lymph adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly. Diagnosis of HIV is done by:
a) Lymph node biopsy
b) P. antigen
d) Western blot

# Hepatitis A virus is best diagnosed by:
a) Culture from blood
b) Isolation from stool
c) Isolation from bile
d) IgM antibodies in serum

# Which of the following belongs to cell fraction derived vaccine:
a) Mumps
b) Measles
c) Hepatitis B
d) Rubella

# Which of the following viruses are most likely to cross placenta and cause foetal defect?  (IGNOU-10)
a) Rubella
b) Papilloma
c) Herpes Simplex
d) Mumps

# Anti HBsAb indicates:
a) Resistance to hepatitis B
b) Acute infection
c) Good prognosis
d) Hepatocellular carcinoma

# A dentist suffered from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is: (AIIMS-09)
a) Paradoxical carrier
b) Inactive carrier
c) Healthy carrier
d) Convalescent carrier

# Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is caused by: (AIPG-2011)
a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Bacteria superadded on virus
d) Parasite

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