ANB Angle Cephalogram

# An ANB angle 2 ° on the cephalogram usually indicates:
a) An unfavorable relationship of mandible to maxilla
b) A favorable relationship of maxillary alveolar base to mandibular alveolar base
c) Poor cranial growth with poor prognosis
d) Retruded maxillary incisor

The Correct answer is B. A favorable relationship of maxillary alveolar base to mandibular alveolar base.

SNA angle relates maxilla to the cranial base. The mean value is 82°. A Larger value indicates prognathic maxilla while a smaller value is suggestive of retrognathic maxilla.

SNB angle relates mandible to cranial base. Its average value is 80°. Larger values indicate prognathic mandible while smaller values indicates retrusive mandible.

AN B angle denotes the relative position of maxilla and mandible to each other. Mean value is 2° .

An increase in this angle indicates class-II skeletal tendency while an angle that is Less than normal or a negative angle is suggestive of a skeletal classIII relationship.

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