Dental MCQs Practice for the Day 1st Jan 2024

# Which one of the following is the early feature of hypothyroidism?
A. Low T3
B. High TSH
C. Low T4
D. Low TSH

# In a healthy mouth, the distance between the cementoenamel junction and the border of alveolar bone proper is:
A. Constant
B. Changes with age
C. Depends on inclination of teeth
D. None of the above

# Herpes zoster most commonly affects:
A. Sympathetic ganglia
B. Anterior horn cells
C. Dorsal root ganglion
D. Spinal cord medulla

# The structureless highly mineralized layer formed on the mantle dentin during cementogenesis is called as:
A. Epithelial sheath of Hertwig
B. Hyaline layer of Hopwell Smith
C. Imbrication lines of Pickerill
D. Hyaline layer of von Ebner

# Enzyme appearing last in MI is:

# Which one of the following is not a common sign of a fractured zygoma?
A. Subconjunctival hemorrhage with no visible boundary
B. Diplopia
C. Epistaxis
D. Anosmia

# Apical root fracture is visible in:
A. Intraoral periapical X ray
B. Bitewing Xray
C. Occlusal X ray

# Pterygomandibular space contains:
A. Maxillary nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. IAN and lingual nerve
D. None

# The best indication of transpalatal arch is when:
A. there is bilateral missing of second deciduous molar
B. one side of the arch is intact and several primary teeth on the other side are missing
C. Bilateral molar distalization is required
D. Second primary molar is extracted or lost before the eruption of first permanent molar

# Before performing surgery on a patient who is taking warfarin, which of the following should be evaluated?
A. Bleeding time
B. Clotting time
C. Prothrombin time
D. Coagulation time

# Indications of removable appliance are all EXCEPT:
A. Simple tipping movement
B. Minor derotations of incisor teeth
C. Overbite reduction
D. Simple bodily movement

# Which of the following diseases mainly affect nervous system?
A. Meningitis and Herpes
B. Rabies and Herpes
C. Encephalitis and Poliomyelitis
D. Conjunctivitis and meningitis

# Caldwell-Luc operation is indicated in:
A. Chronic maxillary sinusitis
B. Fracture of floor of orbit
C. vidian neurectomy
D. All of the above

# Which of the following is recommended for investment of metal ceramics?
A. Gypsum bonded investment
B. Phosphate bonded investment
C. Ethyl silica investment
D. All of the above

# Foam cells are seen in:
A. Letterer Siwe disease
B. Eosinophilic granuloma
C. Hurler's syndrome
D. Hand Schuller Christian disease

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