

MCQs on Gingiva and Tooth Supporting Structures

# Stippling is seen on:
A. Marginal gingiva
B. Attached gingiva
C. Interdental gingiva
D. None of the above

# With the increase in age, keratinization of the gingiva:
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
D. increases and then decreases

# The color of gingiva is due to:
A. Capillaries
B. Thickness of epithelium
C. Thickness of keratinization and pigmentation
D. All of the above

# Junctional epithelium:
A. Lines the gingival sulcus
B. Is permeable
C. Is derived initially from the outer enamel epithelium
D. Is attached to enamel by desmosomes

# Dentogingival unit comprises of:
A. Gingival fibers
B. Gingival fibers and junctional epithelium
C. PD fibers and ligament
D. None of the above

# Free gingival groove represents:
A. Histologic depth of gingival sulcus
B. False pocket depth
C. Depth of gingival sulcus
D. None of the above

# Stippling is absent in:
A. Infants only
B. Older men
C. Children
D. Both infants and old

# Junctional epithelium is attached to enamel by:
A. Reticular fibres
B. Desmosomes
C. Hemidesmosomes
D. Collagen

# Which type of cells are most numerous in gingiva?
A. Melanocytes
B. Keratinocytes
C. Giant cells
D. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes

# Gingival col is:
A. Orthokeratinized
B. Parakeratinized
C. Both Ortho and Parakeratinized
D. Non - Keratinized

# Gingiva is supplied by:
A. Supraperiosteal vessels
B. Subperiosteal vessels
C. Apical vessels
D. All of the above

# The junctional epithelium is attached to the tooth by:
A. Basal lamina
B. Desmosomes
C. Enamel cuticle
D. Nasmyth's membrane

# Gingiva is attached by:
A. Junctional epithelium
B. Epithelial attachment
C. Reduced enamel epithelium
D. None of the above

# The length of junctional epithelium is:
A. 0.25-1.35 mm
B. 0.5-0.75 mm
C. 1.0-2.0 mm
D. 1.0-1.5 mm

# Least width of attached gingiva is found on the facial aspect of:
A. First premolar
B. Second premolar
C. Lateral incisor
D. Canine

# The area, which is most prone to infection is:
A. Marginal gingiva
B. Sulcular epithelium
C. Interdental col
D. Attached gingiva

# The "v" shaped space that encircles the tooth and present between tooth and gingiva is known as:
A. Interdental papilla
B. Free gingiva
C. Attached gingiva
D. Gingival sulcus

# Normal consistency of gingiva is:
A. Soft
B. Hard
C. Firm
D. Firm and leathery

# After the tooth emerges to the occlusal plane, the clinical crown height increases by:
A. Passive eruption
B. Active eruption
C. Post-emergence growth spurt
D. Juvenile occlusal equilibrium

# Gingiva in children:
A. More keratinized, more stippled
B. More keratinized, less stippled
C. Less keratinized, more stippled
D. Less keratinized, less stippled

# Normal depth of gingival sulcus in adults does not exceed:
A. 0.5 to 1 mm
B. 2-3 mm
C. 1-2 mm
D. 1-3 mm

# Eulanin fibers are found in:
A. Gingiva
B. Cementum
C. Alveolar
D. Periodontal ligament

# The function of Langerhan's cells is:
A. Melanin synthesis
B. Protein synthesis
C. Antigen presentation to neutrophils
D. Antigen presentation to lymphocytes

# Langerhan's cells are absent in:
A. Junctional epithelium
B. Sulcular epithelium
C. Oral epithelium
D. All of the above

# Which periodontal fibers are consistent and are reconstructed even after the destruction of the alveolar bone?
A. Apical
B. Alveolar crest group
C. Oblique
D. Trans-septal

# In periodontal ligament, there is:
A. type I collagen
B. Type II collagen
C. Type III collagen
D. Type IV collagen

# periodontal ligament is:
A. narrower on mesial surface
B. wider on mesial surface
C. equal on both the surfaces
D. wider in the anterior teeth

# The periodontal ligament:
A. derives its blood supply primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp
B. has a slow rate of turnover
C. contains epithelial cells of Malassez
D. comprise primarily of type II collagen

# PDL is thinnest at:
B. Apex
C. Middle
D. None of the above

# What type of fibers are principal fibers of PDL?
A. Elastic
B. Reticular
C. Collagenous
D. Collagenous and Elastic

# Periodontal fibers which are most resistant to forces along the long axis are:
A. Apical
B. Oblique
C. Trans-septal
D. Alveolar crest

# The thixotropic theory claims that:
A. The principal fibers of PDL has the major responsibility in supporting the tooth and transmitting the forces to the bone
B. The periodontal ligament has the rheologic behavior of a thixotropic gel
C. The displacement of the tooth is largely controlled by fluid movements
D. None of the above

# Alveolar bone is:
A. Compact bone
B. Cancellous bone
C. Spongy bone
D. None of the above

# Anatomic form of roots of teeth is determined by:
A. Dental lamina
B. Neural crest cells
C. Hertwig's root sheath
D. hammock ligament

# Gingival sulcus is V shaped and it barely permits the entrance of a :
A. Periodontal hoe
B. Periodontal curette
C. Periodontal probe
D. Periodontal sickle

# Which of the following are the predominant connective tissue cells of the periodontal ligament?
A. Cementoblasts
B. Fibroblasts
C. Osteoblasts
D. Rests of Malassez

# "Indifferent fibers" are:
A. Elastic fibers
B. Oxytalan fibers
C. Collagen fibers
D. None of the above

# With aging, changes in periodontal ligament are:
A. Decrease in number of cells and increase in collagen fibers
B. Increase in number of cells and decrease in collagen fibers
C. Increase in number of elastic fibers
D. Hyalinization changes

# Functions of periodontal ligament:
A. Nutritive
B. Sensory
C. Formative
D. All

# Feature of aging periodontium is:
A. Lacunae in bone and cementum
B. Increased cell size
C. Increased cell number
D. Scalloping of cementum and alveolar bone surface

# Unattached gingiva:
A. is interdental gingiva
B. is below mucogingival fold
C. cannot be separated by probe
D. is marginal gingiva

# A black line on the gingiva which follows the contour of the margin is due to:
A. lead
B. Argyria
C. Iron
D. Mercury

# Basal lamina consists of:
A. Type I collagen fibers
B. Type II collagen fibers
C. Type IV collagen fibers
D. Type III collagen fibers

# Dendritic cells located among keratinocytes at all suprabasal levels and belonging to reticuloendothelial system derived from bone marrow are:
A. Melanocytes
B. Langerhans cells
C. Lymphocytes
D. Merkel cell

# Elastin fiber system present in the lamina propria consists all of these EXCEPT:
A. Oxytalan
B. Elastin
C. Eulanin
D. Collagen

# Which of the following is non-keratinocyte?
A. Langan's cell
B. Red blood cell
C. Langerhan's cell
D. Grey cell

# Cementum found on the cervical third of the root is: (2 answers correct)
A. Acellular afibrillar cementum
B. Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum
C. Cellular mixed stratified cementum
D. Cellular intrinsic fiber cementum

# The cell that is present in stratum spinosum and stratum basale is:
A. Basket cell
B. Melanocytes
C. Keratinocytes
D. Merkel cells

# Periodontal ligament is thinnest at:
A. Apex
B. Coronal
C. Crestal
D. Fulcrum of axis of rotation

# The inter radicular bone is:
A. compact
B. cancellous
C. exophytic
D. osteophytic

# Biological width means:
A. Sum of connective tissue and junctional epithelium
B. Distance from the tip of the papilla to the base of the sulcus
C. Distance from marginal gingiva to mucogingival junction
D. Distance from incisal edge of the tooth to mucogingival junction

# Reticular fibers found in periodontal ligament consist of:
A. Type I
B. Type III
C. Type IV
D. Type XII

# Collagen fibers are absent in:
A. Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum
B. Acellular afibrillar cementum
C. Mixed stratified cementum
D. Intermediate cementum

# Which is true of alveolar bone?
A. More stable of the periodontal tissues
B. It is in a constant state of flux
C. It is not regulated by systemic and local influences
D. All of the above

# The gingiva is attached to the tooth by:
A. Lamina propria
B. Periosteum
C. Epithelial attachment
D. Gingival fibers

# Stippling of gingiva indicates:
A. Surface keratinization
B. Healthy gingiva
C. Adaptive specialization for reinforcement of function
D. All of the above

# Lamina densa of the basal lamina beneath the epithelium is composed of:
A. Type I collagen
B. Type II collagen
C. Type III collagen
D. Type IV collagen

# Stratification specific keratins present in gingival epithelium are:
A. K1, K2
B. K10, K12
C. K16, K6
D. K5, K14

# The gingival fiber group which inserts in two adjacent teeth is the:
A. Horizontal group
B. Circular group
C. Transseptal group
D. Oblique group

# An isolated area in which root is denuded of bone , is intact and covered only by periosteum and overlying gingiva is called:
A. Fenestration
B. Dehisence
C. Infracrestal pocket
D. Hemiseptum defect

# The type of bone present in the inter radicular area is:
A. Cortical
B. Cancellous
C. Osteophytic
D. Exophytic

# One of the following group of fibers in the lamina propria of the gingiva, help to bind the free gingiva to the tooth:
A. Alveologingival
B. Circular
C. Dentoperiosteal
D. Dentogingival

# The periodontium does not include:
A. Cementum
B. Dentin
C. Periodontal ligament
D. Bone lining the socket

# Bioactive glass (Perio glass) bone graft material is a type of:
A. Autograft material
B. Allograft material
C. Xenograft material
D. Non bone graft material

# Gingiva is attached to enamel by:
A. Hemidesmosomes
B. Desmosomes
C. Tight junction
D. Gap junction

# The sulcular epithelium acts as a semi permeable membrane through which:
A. Bacterial products pass in to the gingiva
B. Fluids from the gingiva seeps in to the sulcus
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

# Collagen is:
A. the major protein in gums
B. a protein with a high fluid turnover rate
C. rich in basic amino acids
D. rich in essential amino acids

# Osteoblast covering the periodontal surface of the alveolar bone constitute a:
A. Modified periosteum
B. Modified endosteum
C. Periosteum
D. Endosteum

# Keratin specific to epidermal type differentiation are:
A. K1, K2, K10, K12
B. K1, K3, K10, K12
C. K1, K2, K10, K13
D. K1, K2, K11, K13

# Which of the following fiber groups are not attached to alveolar bone?
A. Transseptal
B. Oblique
C. Horizontal
D. Dentoperiosteal

# The normal gingival color is:
A. red
B. yellow
C. coral pink
D. whitish gray

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