Posterior vibrating line is at the junction of:

#  Posterior vibrating line is at the junction of:
A. Levator palatini and tensor palatini
B. Levator palatini and muscular portion of the soft palate
C. Aponeurosis of levator palatini and muscular portion of the soft palate
D. Aponeurosis of tensor palatini and muscular portion of soft palate

The correct answer is D. Aponeurosis of tensor palatini and muscular portion of soft palate.

Posterior vibrating line It is an imaginary line located at the junction of the soft palate that shows limited movement and the soft palate that shows marked movement. It also represents the junction between the aponeurosis of the tensor veli palatini muscle and the muscular portion of the soft palate. It is recorded by asking the patient to say “ah’ in short but normal nonvigorous fashion. This line is usually straight.

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