MCQs on calcification and eruption of teeth

1.The first permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity is the:
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular First Molar
Maxillary Central Incisor
Maxillary First Molar

2. The age of a child having 12 permanent and 12 deciduous teeth is:?
Four and half years
Eight and half years
Eleven and half years
Thirteen years
Fourteen years

MCQs in Pharmacology : Antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals

# The most common side effect of the oral administration of ampicillin is : 
A. Anaphylactic shock
B. Diarrhoea
C. Oral Candidiasis
D. Renal failure

# Which of the following drugs is likely to damage the eighth cranial nerve when administered for a long period of time ?
A. Ethambutol
B. Isoniazide
C. Rifampicin
D. Streptomycin

MCQs in Reproductive System

1.When is sex of an individual determined?
At the time of conception
Fourth week of development

Eighth week of development
Last trimester of pregnancy

2. The fetal sertoli cells start producing anti mullerian hormone (AMH) at about seventh week of gestation in:
Female fetus
Male fetus
Both male and female fetus
AMH is not secreted by fetal sertoli cells

MCQs on Principles of Cavity Preparation

1.A prepared cavity is best protected from moisture by:
Cotton rolls
Saliva ejector
Rubber dam
Paper napkin

2. Retentive grooves in the proximal box of a class II amalgam cavity should be:
Sharp and elongated at the dentinoenamel junction
Round and elongated in the dentin
Round and short in the dentin
Sharp and elongated in the dentin