MCQs on Mycology and Parasitology

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# The mechanism by which most fungi cause disease is: (APPSC-99)
a) exotoxin production
b) lecithinase production
c) hypersensitivity
d) coagulase production

# Germ tubes are formed mainly by: (TNPSC-99)
a) Candida albicans
b) Candida stellatoidea
c) Candida tropicalis
d) Candida pseudotropicalis

# Fungal infection of human beings is called as: (KAR-2000)
a) Mucorsis
b) Mycosis
c) Fungosis
d) Micromia

# Fungus capable of forming fungal ball is: (TNPSC-99)
a) Penicillium
b) Aspergillus
c) Mucor
d) Rhizopus

# Aflatoxins are produced by: (KAR-03)
a) Aspergillus niger
b) Aspergillus fumigatus
c) Aspergillus flavus
d) All of the above

# The culture media for fungus is -
a) Tellurite medium
b) NNN medium
c) Chocolate agar medium
d) Sabourauds medium

# A sporangium contains:

# The medium of choice for culturing yeast form of dimorphic fungi is -
a) Brain - heart infusion
b) Sabouraud's
c) Sabouraud's plus antibiotics
d) Any medium incubated at 35-37°C

# Pseudohyphae are seen in -
a) Alternaria
b) Aspergillus
c) Oosporium
d) Candida albicans

# Dermatophytes are fungi infecting -
a) Subcutaneous tissue
b) Systemic organs
c) Nails, hair and skin
d) Superficial skin and deep tissue

# Candida is most often implicated in causation -
a) Conjunctivitis
b) Tinea capitis
c) Desert rheumatism
d) Thrush

# Asexual spores of fungi are following except -
a) Arthospores
b) Chlamydospores
c) Blastospores
d) Ascospores

# Candida albicans causes all of the following except-
a) Endocarditis
b) Mycetoma
c) Meningitis
d) Oral thrush

# Transmission of all of the following intestinal parasites takes place by the feco-oral route except: (AIPG-2001)
a) Giardia lamblia
b) Ascaris lumbriocoides
c) Strongyloides
d) Entamoeba

# Hydatid cyst is: (AIIMS, AIPG-96)
a) Parasitic in nature
b) Fungal
c) Congenital
d) Viral

# Investigation of choice for invasive amoebiasis is: (AIPG-2002)
a) Indirect hemagglutination
c) Counter immune electrophoresis
d) Microscopy

# L.D. bodies are seen in: (KAR-2000)
a) Kala azar
b) Toxoplasmosis
c) Malaria
d) Sleeping sickness

# Megaloblastic anemia is caused by: (KAR-97)
a) Dog tapeworm
b) Hookworm
c) Fish tapeworm
d) Threadworm

# Causative organism of Kala azar is: (KAR-97)
a) Plasmodium ovale
b) Leishmania donovani
c) Entamoeba histolytica
d) Toxoplasma

# Black Water Fever is caused by:
a)Plasmodium vivax
b)Plasmodium falciparum
c)Leishmania donovani

# How is Gutta Percha Sterilized?

# Gutta Percha can effectively be sterilized by? (AIIMS-07)
a) Dry heat
b) Autoclaving
c) Hot salt sterilizer
d) Chemical solutions

Answer: D. Chemical Solutions

Gutta-percha cones may be kept sterile in screw-capped vials containing alcohol. A Gutta percha cone freshly removed from the manufacturer’s box should be immersed in 5.2% sodium hypochlorite for 1 minute, then rinse the cone with hydrogen peroxide and dry it between 2 layers of sterile gauze. 

MCQs on Cleft Lip and Palate - Oral Surgery

The correct answers are highlighted in green. Feel Free to share with your friends and colleagues and your Students too.

# Cleft lip is operated at what age: (MAN -01)
a) 1 month
b) 6 months
c) 10 weeks
d) 1 year

# The ideal time of repair of cleft of hard palate is: (KAR -03)
a) At birth
b) Between 3-6 months of age
c) Between 12-15 months of age
d) After 2 years of age

# The ideal time of repair of cleft lip is: (KAR -03)
a) At birth
b) Between 3-6 months of age
c) At 1 - 1 1/2 years of age
d) At 1 1/2 to 2 years of age

# Pierre Robbin syndrome is:
a) Cleft palate with syndactyly
b) Cleft palate with mand. hypoplasia and respiratory obstruction
c) Cleft lip with mandibular hypoplasia
d) Cleft lip

# Hynes pharyngoplasty is used to improve a child's:
a) Appearance
b) Teething
c) Speech
d) Feeding

# Unilateral clefts are most common on:
a) Left side
b) Right side
c) Median
d) None of the above

# Commonest type of cleft lip is:
a) Bilateral
b) Midline
c) Combined with cleft palate
d) Unilateral

# Speech problems in cleft palate patients are due to: (AIIMS -97)
a) Lisping of tongue
b) Inability of soft palate to stop air to go into nasopharynx
c) Inability of learning process
d) All of the above

# Cleft lip is due to non-union of: (AIIMS -95)
a) Maxillary process with MNP
b) MNP - LNP
c) MNP - MNP
d) All of the above

#  A prosthetic appliance given to cover the palatal defect in patients with cleft palate is called: (AIIMS -03)
a) Artificial velum
b) Obturator
c) Removable prosthetic appliance
d) None of the above

#  Surgery on the hard palate of a 3 years old cleft patient may inhibit growth, causing the facial profile to become: (AIPG -03, AIIMS -91)
a) Straight
b) Elongated
c) Shortened
d) More concave

# The repair of cleft palate is primarily done for: (PGI-06)
a) Correction of speech
b) Correction of esthetics
c) Induce growth of maxilla
d) Induce growth of mandible

# Which of the following shows the lowest frequency of cleft lip and palate? (AIPG-07)
a) Negroes
b) Afghanese
c) American Indian
d) Indian

# The oral cleft problem occurs between the period of: (KCET-07)
a) 1st and 2nd week of embryo-fetal life
b) 6th and 10th week of embryo-fetal life
c) 3rd week of fetal life
d) None of the above

# Father of Health Statistics is:

# Father of Health Statistics is:
A. John Snow
B. John Graunt
C. Fredrick Mckay
D. Pierre Fauchard

Answer: B, John Graunt

Graunt, along with William Petty, developed early human statistical and census methods that later provided a framework for modern demography. He is credited with producing the first life table, giving probabilities of survival to each age. Graunt is also considered as one of the first experts in epidemiology, since his famous book was concerned mostly with public health statistics.