Gemination, Twinning, Concrescence and Fusion of Teeth


  • An attempt at division of a single tooth before calcification, resulting in incomplete formation of two teeth.
  • The resultant structure will have two completely or incompletely separated crowns with a single root and root canal.
  • It is difficult to differentiate between gemination and a case in which there has been fusion between a normal tooth and a supernumerary tooth.

The division of a single tooth resulting in one normal and one supernumerary tooth. The number of teeth will be more than normal.

  • A form of fusion of cementum after completion of root formation
  • The teeth are united by cementum only.
  • Maxillary molars are frequently involved
  • Union of two normally separated tooth germs.
  • If the union occurs before calcification, the two teeth are completely united to form a single Large tooth.
  • If the union occurs after calcification, there is union of roots only. The tooth may have separate or fused root canals.
  •  Fusion of teeth is more common in deciduous teeth.

MCQs on Pathology - Growth Disorders and Neoplasia

The Correct answers are highlighted in GREEN.

# Burkitt's lymphoma is associated with the proliferation of: (AP -99)
a) T- cell
b) B - cell
c) Lymph vessels
d) Lymph nodes

# Incidence of most common malignant tumors in men in India is in:
a) Lungs
b) Oral cavity
c) Prostate
d) Liver

MCQs in Microbiology - Virology Part 2

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is: (KAR-2000)
a) Aphthous stomatitis
b) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
c) Herpetic gingivostomatitis
d) Tuberculosis

# In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started: (AP-2004)
a) Influenza
b) Poliomyelitis
c) Herpes
d) Rabies

MCQs on Microbiology - Virology Part 1

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# HIV is transmitted by all of the following routes except: (AP-14, MAN-2002)
a) Saliva
b) Needle prick injury
c) Blood transmission
d) Sexual intercourse

# A rise in the anti-HBc immunoglobulin in a patient indicates: (MAN-2000)
a) Acute infection
b) Carrier state
c) Prodromal phase
d) Convalescence