MCQs on Biostatistics Part 1

# Which of the following correlates highest correlation between variables ?
A. r= + 0.25
B. r= + 0.5
C. r= - 0.75
D. r= + 2

# The arithmetical average of a number of observations is called :
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Range
D. All of the above

# Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency ?
A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Range
D. Median

# The levels of nicotine in 6 cigarettes were 13.0, 11.8, 15.4, 17.4, 31.2 and 24.3 mg. The mean of these values is:
A. 14.9
B. 15.9
C. 18.6
D. 8.4

# Father of Health Statistics is:
A. John Snow
B. John Graunt
C. Frederick Mc Kay
D. Pierre Fauchard

# Ranking students from the individual with the highest Grade points average (GPA) to the lowest is an example of:
A. Ordinal Scale
B. Nominal Scale
C. Interval Scale
D. Ratio Scale

# A random sample suggests that :
A. A person in a control group will not be a member of the experimental group
B. Any member of a group to be studied has an equal opportunity to be included in the study
C. Every nth name on a list is selected
D. Subjects are volunteers

# A stastistical test which indicates the chance or probability of an observed difference between two means occuring by chance is called:
A. Tests of significance
B. Means
C. Ratio
D. Normalcy

# Best measure for central tendency in a highly skewed distribution is :
A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Range

# The graphic representation of frequency distribution with X and Y axis is :
A. Frequency polygon
B. Histogram
C. Pictograph
D. Pie diagram

> # A series may have all except :
A. No mode
B. One mode
C. Many modes
D. Negative mode

# The correlation coefficient can range from :
A. 0 to +1
B. 0 to -1
C. -1 to +1
D. 0 to 100

# As the sample size increases, standard deviation :
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains the same
D. May increase or decrease

# In a 3*3 table, the number of degrees of freedom is:
A. 4
B. 9
C. 3
D. 81

# Most of the values in data spread along the :
A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Arithmatic mean


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